Thursday, July 29, 2010

it's nice to know...

i am obsessed with this case right at the moment.

lets be honest, this is the most interesting thing happening in kentucky right now but it's just so dramatic and everyone wants to know all about karen sypher and her connection to rick pitino.

what happened here? when did it become ok to have sex with a random person (not to mention they were/are both married) at a restaurant? i mean really, this sounds like something straight out of a movie.

then she tries to get money from him and all sorts of material things? she's a looney.

it's nice to know that she's been charged with extortion and that she will most likely be found guilty.

shame on you sypher. and shame on you too pitino.

my dog eats people food.

get over it!

i totally feed my dog people food and i've recently learned that it's ok. according to this story there are several foods that dogs can eat and they are actually good for them.

now dallas doesn't get a whole lot of people food but every now and then he gets a little scrap or treat.

his favs include cantaloupe, lettuce and marshmallows. i can't say that marshmallows are good for him but he goes crazy for them so i indulge him once in a while!

so moral of the story? feed your dogs!

Monday, July 26, 2010


i just threw up in my mouth a little.

she's 50. he's 21. they're getting married. it's just not right. plus it's linda hogan.

i guess i should just say you can't help who you love. oh wait, i just threw up again!

egg head

have i mentioned lately how much i love this egg head?

p.s. i don't really think he's an egg head! it's just a little inside joke.

love you babe!

good samaritans.

this story makes me feel a little warm and fuzzy inside.

good to know that there are still so many good people in the world!

Friday, July 23, 2010

quote of the week...

"achely, did you know that you soooo purtty?"


thanks liv for giving me the confidence i needed to just feel great about being me today!
funny how a three year old can do more for you than some adults.

love this girl!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

it's nice to know...

that even celebs are getting caught!


i'm a little terrified of driving and having my phone with me at all now.

minute to win it.

could you do this?

i think not!

what a way to start your life together, $500,000 richer!

how much is too much?

i know people love sports and watching a professional athlete doing what they do out on the field, court, or course is pretty cool but do they really need all that money they make?

read this story on the top fifty sport salaries and you might just cry. does tiger really need 90 million dollars?

i think not.

how about we spread some of that wealth to our teachers, emts, police officers, and nannies?!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

hello again!

sorry i've been m.i.a lately.

as it turns out july has been a crazy month thus far and is only expected to get busier.

so here's what i'm currently thinking about.

fav things right about now:

she & him has been on repeat in the car, on the ipod and pretty much any place else i can listen. love them!

i'm pretty much going to buy everything from here from now on.

love that she's in jail. don't really know why but it makes me happy that she's doing her time.

i might be obsessed with the palin clan. i can't help but be intrigued with bristol and levi getting engaged and sarah not being ok with it. so taboo now a days to marry your baby's daddy!

have you seen covert affairs on usa yet? it's my new fav show for summer. love it and the cia {a little!}.

other things i'm currently loving:

buying a sewing machine this weekend.

i get to see my momma in less than two weeks.

louisville bats baseball game.

visiting with grandpa doug and glenda.

august is coming! which means mom's birthday, killian's birthday, lake weekend with trav, highway 127 yard sale, olivia starts preschool, and sarah's bachelorette party. just to name a few things!

things i'm currently hating:

the rain, rain, rain.


not getting more than five hours of sleep every night.

my love of mexican food {it's really not helping with the ww}.

things that don't work or break on you.

poopy diapers.

i'll leave you on a positive note...

sisterly love is the best!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

update: liv + lilly

olivia and lilly are doing great! i couldn't be more happy with how things are going. they are growing like weeds and just make me oh so happy!

lately, liv has been taking a gymnastics class at the little gym. she has been to four classes now and the first three were a little painful to watch, to say the least! she didn't want to participate and cried through the first two entire classes. but with a little patience and bribing she has come out of her shell! i couldn't be more proud of her. she went to all the stations in class today and loved every minute of it.

forward roll.

climbing up the bars.

sooooo proud of herself!

doing a flip with her teacher, miss ashley.

yesterday it rained most of the day and so we had a movie morning and stayed in our pj's a little longer than usual. these girls are just too darn cute!

another one at class. i think this little boy likes liv, alot! he was putting his feet all over her and trying to get her attention and she was having none of it. good thing for her daddy's sake!

ice cream at chic-fil-a!
lilly wearing my sunglasses. she's getting so big. she's started to sit up by herself. she's getting stronger every day and before we know it she'll be crawling and walking and talking. i can't wait!

it's amore. it's a pizza!

doesn't that look b-e-a-utiful!

{it was so good i had to take a bite before i could snap the pic!}

at only 225 cals, 13 grams of fat and 8 grams of fiber, it's only 5 ww points. pretty good for the best pizza i've found on ww. almost as good as dominos thin crust...and that's saying a lot.

{if you use turkey pepperoni it's only 4 points because of less fat!}

you just have to try this. go. now!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Dallas plays dress-up!

Dal is ready for football season. Can't say that I blame him!

King Dallas!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, July 10, 2010

quote of the week.

sorry for the late post!

"achely, i think we have a prolem."


she was clearly referring to this...

clearly it's a problem when you're trying to get out the door for an activity and the baby has fallen asleep in the jumparoo. what a smart kid!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

it's nice to know...

that my girls love travis!

lilly loves to tear up napkins! least expensive toy ever.

part of why liv loves cream!

trav was so good with baby lilly. most guys can't say that!

we ate at chic-fil-a yesterday after olivia's wiggle worm class and both girls loved him. if fact olivia keeps asking me "when twavis is coming to play again?". it's a great feeling because i love them all!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

backyard or water park?


don't you just wish this was your backyard?

well it isn't.

it's celine dion's though, so if you happen to be friends with her, let me know!

i could spend all day in that lazy river.

enough already.

so i didn't really want to give the BP issue much thought on this here blog.
i know it's awful but i'm just so tired of hearing about it and just want them to take care of it.
but, now it's gotten to my home state. and well, you just don't mess with texas!

"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants! Who died in an oil spill because of BP? SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!"

saw this quote on sherry's facebook status last week and loved it!

so to BP from little 'ol me...please fix this already. please and thanks!

try this.

i'm going to start a new series!

try this.

every week i'll find a recipe that you just must try and i'll try it myself.

{i will let you know up front that most recipes will be ww friendly as i'm changing my relationship with food! but that doesn't mean that they won't be delic!}

today's is skinny taco dip.

i can't wait to eat this. {sans olives}


full recipe here. thanks gina!

the queen is coming. the queen is coming!

to new york city that is.

she is in town to speak to the U.N. and then to visit ground zero and pay respect to families of the fallen british citizens in the 9/11 attacks.

oh how i wish i lived in nyc today.


the last time the queen was in nyc was 1976. how classy she is!

article found here.

Monday, July 5, 2010

update: dalpal

this is his "what, mom" face.

licking nutella off the spoon!

snuggled up in our fav blankie.

curled up on barclay's legs.

let's play where's dallas?.

i swear he's growing up too fast!


this my peeps is a pic of our calendar that hangs on the fridge so we know what's going on from day to day and keep our schedules in line.

right now it's making me depressed.

it's now the fifth of july.

i'm already having activity withdraw.

may and june were so crazy packed with things to do. it seemed like every weekend was scheduled with wedding activities or trips or work or something super fun!

july has been a big let down thus far and i am determined to change that!

so things i want to do in july...

*go to newport aquarium for the day
*tuesday nights at ecton park for live jazz and big band music
*more baseball games
*lake weekend with friends
*go to the louisville zoo
*riptide's for dinner one night
*pool party

so there are some things i can get started on but with no birthdays in july to celebrate here and no weddings, i'm thinking that it's going to be up to me to bring july to life.

i'm up for the challenge!

missing my man.

so trav had been on his family vacay for about a week now down in south padre. not only am i jealous that he's been on the beach but i've also been worried because of hurricane alex. however, he and he fam were safe and sound during the storm and have had plenty of time to enjoy themselves since. that being said...i'm ready for him to come home!

it's easy to be apart for a few days but any more than 48 hours or so is tough. even the dog misses him!

so babe, from me to you: GET HOME ASAP. we miss you!

me and dal

Friday, July 2, 2010


here are some recent whimsy bit projects...

made this americana themed bag for grandma pfau!

and i was just playing around with letters and put dallas' name on his overnight bag. yes, the dog has his own "suitcase" of some sort. but he has to have something to carry all his stuff in when we go out of town or he's at the kennel! lord knows, i'm not sharing my bag!

not perfect yet but i still love both projects!

quote of the week...

this weeks quote is actually the senate bill 1070. i totally support arizona and wish them nothing but good luck in going forward!

well in truth it is far too long to put on here but go here and you can read all about it.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

it's nice to know...

that the boyfriend and his fam are all safe from hurricane alex.

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