Sunday, November 29, 2009

over it

i'm over so many things at the moment.

i'm over ky.
i'm over being a big kid.
i'm over bills.
i'm over money in general.
i'm over you. {i might hate you}

there's more but i'm over blogging about it.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

turkey day

happy thanksgiving y'all!

today is a day to celebrate our history with this fine country and to be thankful for everything we have.

here is my top ten things i'm thankful for...enjoy!

10. fall.
9. a job.
8. sausage balls.
7. ugg boots. (they are ugly but i love them!)
6. the spanish language.
5. my craftiness abilities.
4. sun rises.
3. freedom.
2. fam, trav, dallas and friends. (i couldn't possibly pick between everyone!)
1. the lord above that allows me to wake each morning and enjoy this wonderful world.

take a step back today and be thankful for something, anything, everything.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

mi cocina

today i'm thankful for mi cocina and sunset fajitas.

my fav :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

at last

so for those of you who don't know i have been singing little jingles to mom for the month of november counting down the days until we get to see her. this is the last one that i sang to her when we got in the car's pretty awesome.

{goes to the tune of at last by etta james}

at last
i have arrived home.
my loneliness is over
and life is with my momma.
six days
to spend in dallas.
my time will be spent at mi cocina
northpark and my momma's house.
i waited so long to make this trip.
now it's here and i'm so happy.
i know there'll be good times
like sleeping with brinkley and the turkey trot
the holidays, the holidays are my fav
and i'll hate to see them go
but i'm in heaven
at last.

p.s. she loved it! :)


i'm feeling the need to be crafty. i think it's the holidays.

i also miss having my own place because i want to decorate. everything. for. christmas.

i wish i lived in the same city as travis. that's all about that.

dallas is so sweet. best. dog. ever. don't argue with me!

if i could be anything in the world, it'd be a country music star. like dolly parton or taylor swift. i can't really pick one.

i miss my sibbies.

the holidays are going to be different this year.

i want to be better. do better. make a difference.

i need to speak more spanish. i've been slacking. a lot.

running is hard and i don't think i'll ever love it. but i'm trying.

i miss church. traveling for work and going to lexington has taken it away. a little more of that would be nice. good thing the JC is always in me!

i feel a change coming. i don't know what it is but i feel it. i hope it's good and i hope it's for me. {not trying to be selfish but i need one.}

officially going back to school in january. i'm actually pretty excited about it. i like learning?

i need to make a christmas list...suggestions?

oh and killian has a girlfriend now...officially all sibbies are in relationships. strange.


i could play this for hours...

i might have already tonight...maybe.

across the universe

i'm pretty much obsessed with the beatles. {thanks kev}

is it bad that i've watched across the universe 4 times this week alone?

i really don't even watch it at this point, i just love having it on in the background. listening to the songs and enjoying every word.

i think the beatles have helped a little bit with me being in love with love. :) {see earlier post}

my fav song from the movie is:

"all you need is love"

i think this song is one of the greatest love songs of all time.

{and it's good for all kinds of love! :)}

can't sleep

i can't fall asleep {maybe because i'm so excited about dallas in less than 18 hours!} so i'm going to blog about some things i've been meaning to blog about.

Monday, November 23, 2009

mcallister's and great company

today i'm thankful for mcallister's deli and good company, and by god company i mean grandpa doug and glenda. :)

we had a great time just catching up and enjoying each other's company. it's fun hanging with the g-rents. i get to hear about all kinds of things and really learn about them and things i never really think about. and now that i'm getting older and more mature {maybe!} we can talk about things that matter more and share in each other's lives. that's important because life is so short and i just don't want to miss a thing, especially when it comes to the people i love.

i'm also thankful that there is only a 3.5 hour work day and a short plane ride standing in the way between me and my madre! oh and brinks. and greg!

it's going to be a great turkey week.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

catching up

i'm catching up on my thankfulness with two entries...

friday i was thankful for a wonderful thanksgiving meal shared with baby sister and my pops. we had a great time eating and talking. it's not very often that dad gets to spend time with just his girls, so we loved it! :)

saturday i was thankful for two, yes two!, wildcat wins! we beat rider in basketball and then later that night we beat georgia in football. so proud to be a wildcat!

on a second note i'm also sooooo thankful for travis. he's my best friend and love! he took me to the melting pot and we just so enjoyed each other's company and the food!

and i'm super thankful for dallas as he's sleeping and snooring by my side tonight, such a sweet boy!

full of thankful thoughts but i'll save some for later.


Thursday, November 19, 2009


i'm in love with love at the moment.

and this movie is my fav and has officially started my christmas season!

have a little taste of love and christmas!


tonight i'm thankful for...

*{at 9}

*{at 9}

*{at 10}

it's time to veg in front of the t.v.

*{p.s. all times are eastern standard time}

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


{a really comfy bed. not mine but close enough if you add a yellow haired, 85 pound Dallas!}

today i'm thankful for beds, my bed in particular.

i'm so exhausted it's actually work to post this! :)

wonder if i'll be thankful for alarms in the morning...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

today i'm thankful for...


today is jennifer's 24th birthday. so on such an occasion it would only be appropriate to make a top ten list of why i'm so thankful for her! :)

10. she's my eating out buddy. I can pretty much talk her into going anywhere as she can with me too!
9. she has given me some pretty funny memories from our sorority days! ;)
8. she's getting married next june and therefore giving me not only the duty of being maid of honor but also wearing a pretty dress, and we all know i can't possibly turn down a pretty dress.
7. she's pretty much obsessed with holidays like me.
6. we've watched every episode of friends together {3 or 4 times now)
5. we love to complain about, well just about anything together!
4. she has a heart of gold.
3. she loves my dog...that's saying a lot.
2. she was the best roomie i ever had {and i miss that everyday}
1. she's my bestest friend in the whole wide world!

So here's to you J-Poo. I hope you had the best birthday yet and i'm so honored to call you my friend.
i love you!

Monday, November 16, 2009


so it's november 16th and i have spent the last 15 days not being thankful.

well that's not entirely true but i haven't written about being thankful at all and i'm not feeling right about that.

so today, i am thankful for having the day off. for being able to blog at panera (yum!). for going to visit grandparents. and for travis coming to louisville tonight.

life is entirely way too crazy right now and it's nice to have a seat and think about the truly important things. or maybe the things that just get me through the days now!

Monday, November 9, 2009


on a side note,
this week is looking pretty busy.

working all day and most nights to get ready for the wild badger championship.

green bay on friday {at the butt crack of dawn}

back saturday night.

off to lexington with dallas in tow.

back to louisville monday morn.

if you need me, leave a message at the beep.

beep. :)

happy belated birthday!

so in all of the craziness of last week {and the fluness}, i didn't get to post something for a special someone's birthday.

so without further ado...


I hope you had a great one and I'm so thankful that I got to spend it with you. I'm lucky to have you and I love you thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much!

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