i gave the girls their shirts today...

obviously liv loved it and lilly was indifferent! liv said "thank you achely, i love it!". she then grabbed her shirt and said "hello mr. owl. hoot, hoot mr owl." she was so cute and so appreciate. like i've said before she's one of the most polite little girls i've ever met!
we did a lot of playing outside today and liv loves being outside. her favorite is swinging.

"i say cheese!"
olivia also has a bad habit of twisting her hair when she sleeps. it's kind of a pain but it's so funny when she gets up and says "uh oh, i have a knot." so i get it out and fix her hair up all cute, mostly in piggy tales!
here's a look at her hair do today...
lilly is getting so close to rolling over, we can taste it! i'm going to have my video on my phone ready every day! today i took some video of her and she got so close but no cigar yet :)
on a side note...a quick dal update.
i got out of bed last night to use the restroom and this is what i found when i came back!