Thursday, April 26, 2012

letters to maddie

dear sweet maddie,

this is my last letter. now that you're here, it's time to play rather than write letters.

thanks for letting uncle T and i hold you tuesday. you're so special to us already and we can't wait to spend more time with you!

happy birthday to you baby girl!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

letters to maddie

dear sweet maddie,

you are on your way!!!

when my text message sound went of at 6 am, my first thought was "oh heck no!" but then i remembered it might be baby time. and sure enough it was.

i cannot wait to meet you later tonight!

this pic is for your momma. a virtual hug from me to you jennifer. i cannot imagine what you're going through today but i'm so proud of you momma and you know how much i love you!

love you both,


Monday, April 23, 2012

weekend recap

packing. packing. packing. last day with girls. party at little brothers. late friday night. late saturday morning. more packing. load up car. one more chance to watch the lankster girls (yay!). say goodbye. sleep in couch. movers arrive. all our stuff moves to louisville. clean the old place. see josh for two seconds. say goodbye. turn in keys. off the my last sorority meeting. business first. party second. dallas flirts with sorority girls. pizza and special desserts. laughter. say goodbye. off to our new place. chat with my second mother (myra). get lost for twenty minutes. finally home. unload car. T gets home from work. make our bed. make dal's bed. finally fall asleep. a long and a little sad weekend but also a start to something new and wonderful.

Friday, April 20, 2012

letters to maddie

dear sweet maddie,

i'm going to give you three reasons you may come out to play now.

  1. uncle T and i are on our way. after sunday we're in louisville for good!
  2. you're mother is severely uncomfortable.
  3. you really don't want to compete with oaks/derby. trust me.
if you're anything like your momma you'll take your time and make a good decision by weighing the pros and cons. i trust that you'll make the right choice, though!

i'm keeping today's letter short and sweet because grown-up life is a little cray, cray at the moment. but know that i love you, i'm ready and for goodness sakes, your momma is very, very, very ready!



ps. can you be as funny as this baby? thanks.

friday's fabulousness

to say that 2012 has been a huge year (and will continue to be) for me would be an understatement. in the last two months, T has gotten a job in louisville which led to us having to move away from Lexington which led to me quitting my job with the Lanksters and finding a new job in our new city. 

i've been pushed to my limits but i know that it's what's right for me, for T and for our future.

but (and this is a huge but!) how do i leave the best two little girls in the whole world. how do i tell them, that while i love them, i have to go? 

with that in mind, today's going to be hard. i'll probably cry at some point. actually there's no probably. it will happen. but i don't want today to be a total sob story. instead, i'd really just like to remember it all. everything about the last two years.

my first day with the girls

owl t-shirts i made the girls

pretty sure this was the first time T ever held a baby

bouncing around is hard stuff

first little gym class

proof that she once took naps

pumpkin patch

sleepy on the hayride

liv taking over, lilly getting mad. 

sassy face

first dance class

lilly and i in louisville

fallling asleep during therapy

this might be where the super hero fascination started

being silly

lilly bug

liv's 4th birthday party

our trip to the aquarium last summer

we love story time at barnes and noble

riding cliford the big red dog at wendy's.

all bundled up

lilly loves to take pictures on my phone

riding her big girl bike

love that smile

insert some sort of "a christmas story" joke

T helping lilly at the park

go CATS!

wagon ride around the neighborhood

every friday, target, popcorn and chocolate milk, dollar section.

so instead of looking back and being sad, i'm choosing to look back and smile, laugh and be thankful that i've had the last two years, one month and 29 days with these beautiful little girls!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

wishes: the wedding

today i'm going to share our save the dates.

i'm assuming all our fam and friends have received theirs and it's safe to show them off to my online peeps!

the front. wow, those people sure are good looking!

the back. if you didn't notice, mason jars are a running theme!

so i'm interested...what do y'all think?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

going back in time

last night i spent five hours at the sorority house.

most of it was for meetings. but, the last hour and a half, well that was for me.

life has been stressful, to say the least, lately.

have you ever tried planning a wedding, changing jobs, moving to a new city, advising a sorority and having housing issues all at the same time?

oh, no? well try it sometime. you'll love it, i'm sure.

anyway, after a long meeting full of more stressful issues, some girls were sitting in the living room chatting away.

i only had intentions of walking through, saying goodbye and heading to the parking lot.

oh boy, did i get a whole lot more!

i won't go into detail about our conversations.

like talking about my wild sorority days. or how my roommate ran down woodland at 4 am one morning. or how we lived without a house mom for months and had margarita parties.

it's fun to swap stories and we all try to one up each other.

i've only been an advisor for one school year. and unfortunately i have to leave kappa omega.

life throws you some curve balls and this is certainly one of them.

i thought it would be easy to leave. having been there for such a short time, the fact that i'm at least four years older than them and all the things i have going on in my personal life, i thought would allow me to leave with no or very little strings attached.

oh boy, was i wrong.

it's hard to imagine being friends with women who are in such a different place than you. still in college. worrying about school and when they get to nap on a tuesday.

i worry about bills and marriage issues and all my friends are starting to have babies.


it's nice to be told you're hilarious, that you're a great advisor and that you've helped so much.

it's even better when they take you into their little groups and let you hear their stories and secrets!

and they do wonderful things for my ego every time i walk into that house.

so, last night i spent an extra ninety minutes with my sisters.

ninety minutes not thinking about all my grown-up problems.

ninety minutes laughing uncontrollably.

ninety minutes making plans with sisters.

ninety minutes thinking to myself, "why do i have to leave? why now?"

ninety minutes going back in time, to when i lived at 368 rose street.

and ninety minutes thanking my lucky stars that i became an AOII and will be an AOII forever.

so to the ladies of kappa omega,

thank you for allowing me to be your standards and kor advisor this year. it's been a pleasure. and if i'm completely honest, i think i got more out of it than y'all did. you let me relive my college days (and most of my best memories). you allowed me into your circle, your sisterhood, your lives.

i've grown close to a handful of the girls in such a short time but i feel as if y'all are all my friends. i would seriously go tooth and nail for anyone in that chapter. even now, when life is going a million miles a minute, i refuse to just quit. i'm working on things for this chapter until i've reached a solution. i don't care if it takes 3 days, 3 months or 3 years. my heart and loyalty lie with kappa omega. always have, always will.

i feel like i can't go without saying something to some specific people...

to the other advisors, thanks for bringing me into your group. for allowing me to ask as many questions as i could and letting me vent about being an adult at our meetings! i can't say enough how awesome it is to have a group of women ages 25 to 60 who can call each other sisters and friends. so from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

to my KOR, kara, i'm sorry i wasn't there for you more often. i'm sorry standards took over my life and left you to do all the work yourself. if i can say anything, it's that i knew you could do it! i'm so proud that you care so much about the ritual and heart of this chapter. you're a bright woman with a positive attitude and you will always be an important part of why the chapter is so great!

to my standards committee, wow! what do i even say. i've been sitting in the house with y'all every sunday for the last 4 months. some of you were there last semester too (bless your hearts!). i can't begin to tell you how much i've loved after all our business is taken care of, we just sit and talk or complain or celebrate. i would do anything and everything for each of you. (i'm still seriously trying to talk T into paying for cooney to stay at UK!) you are all wonderful, caring, beautiful women. i'm going to miss each of you more than you know! (but i'll see you in september, right?!)

just remember to breath. try not to get overwhelmed and when you do, step back and take a break. think about how much you love AOII and when things are too much to handle, come to louisville and i'll pour you a glass of wine! yes, i can do that now because i won't be your advisor!

remember that things can change on a whim. what you're mad about today, goes away tomorrow. people are rude. people are nice. peoples attitudes depend on what's going on in their life. don't judge, you never know what someone's going through. smile, even if you don't want to. fake it till you make it. that one's important. act like you're the best chapter (well, because you are) even if other's don't think it because all that matters is how you see yourselves.

life moves quickly and you won't always be in college, living in a house full of your besties.

you can't go back. as much as i've wished i could sometimes, you can't.

i love you all and can't wait to see/hear about all the great things you'll do.



ps. don't worry, you'll see me for fall recruitment. i mean, how could i possibly stay away?

Monday, April 16, 2012

weekend recap

quick shopping for besties babers. dinner alone, including wine and fritos. sewing. catching up on tv. early to bed. back to louisville saturday morn. signed my contract with my employers. house hunting. major bust (again.). lunch with T. running errands. babysat for a new fam. loved on twins all night. late night catching up with T and making plans for the move. short visit at the nursing home. lunch. besties baby shower. lots of people, food, cake and presents. felt maddie moving and kicking. T went looking for houses again. rush to get back to lexington. long sorority meeting. one night at home with T and dalpal.

Friday, April 13, 2012

friday's fabulousness & letters to maddie

dear sweet maddie, read that title right.

i'm combining posts today.

in honor of your momma's shower this weekend, i've found five baby things that i think you'll just love and must share immediately!

1. love this hamper.

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

2. cutest onesie ever.

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

3. i will be making you this ASAP.

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

4. hilarious.

5. perfect for summer.

baby stuff is so much better now a days.

i can't wait to spoil you rotten.

i'll sugar you up, dress you up and then pass you off to mom and dad when you sass up!


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

just call me productive paula

in the last 24 hours i have...

  • successfully negotiated and accepted a new job.
  • addressed, stamped and mailed 100 save the dates.
  • had several conversations about how much your vagina will hurt when you're 9 months pregnant.
  • taught dallas to fetch me the tape dispenser while i'm holding a box together.
  • packed up another room of our house.
  • got caught up on GCB.
  • and successfully slept for more than 6 hours.

i still have to...

  • pack up the rest of our house.
  • clean our house.
  • find a new place to live.
  • plan the last meeting for the sorority.
  • plan my last day with the girls.
  • finish my last custom sewing project.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

battle for the nanny

so, offers have been made and negotiating has started.

you'd think i'd be thrilled at the prospect of a new job in a new city, just a week or so before we move (and really, i'm thankful that more than one family wants me) but it's all starting to feel like sparta.


please take a moment to read this article.

laugh, because i beg to differ.

i mean, sure i'm bringing in six figures (uh, yeah right.) and going on all kinds of exotic vacations.

while you're reading, i'll be back out on the battle field.

this is spartaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Monday, April 9, 2012

weekend recap

more packing. more cleaning. watched labyrinth while doing so. back to louisville. interview. house hunting. babysitting. bad case of the allergies. worry, worry, worry. got our save the dates, invites and rsvp cards. easter sunday. brunch. visit with mamaw at the nursing home. lunch with the sandersons. egg hunt. candy. chit-chat. back to lexington. nap time with T and D. sorority meeting. late night. couldn't sleep. watch law and order: svu. sleep like a baby because we're all under the same roof. back to work (only ten days left with my lankster girls). sunshine, a picnic and lots of laughter on this monday. hope y'all have a great week!

Friday, April 6, 2012

letters to maddie

dear sweet maddie,

life can be hard sometimes. it's not always fair and you might find yourself doubting everything you know.

some people are mean. they say mean things and do mean things and expect you to just get over it.

sometimes the people you love and who love you will say or do something that's night so nice.

but it doesn't mean that they don't love you.

you have to just keep on going. keep smiling. keep swimming.

promise me you'll never let anyone dull your sparkle, mmmmmmmkay?




p.s. if anyone is ever mean to you...i'll beat them up. end of discussion.

friday's fabulousness

happy good friday peeps.

yes, pun intended. even though i hate those neon mallows.

today's fab is all about easter.

1. cutest wreath ever.

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

2. i'm attempting this but without the fancy icing.

3. i already made this for miss b!

4. love this idea. plant jelly beans. grow into lollipops. magic of the easter bunny.

5. and of course, the reason to celebrate at all. thankful for the ultimate sacrifice.

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

have a wonderful easter weekend!
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