Friday, January 3, 2014

Eight months

Happy Eight Months Walker!!!

At eight months Walker is
  • 21.5lbs
  • 29 inches long. 
  • Taking 3 bottles of six ounces a day and 1 eight ounce just before bed and has two "meals" a day. Breakfast consists of oatmeal and a fruit and dinner is a veggie and a fruit and some sort of grain. He tried a lot more food this month, baked potatoe, steak, chicken, etc. 
  • Wearing 9 month or 6-12 month clothing but 12 pjs. 
  • Sleep has been rough this month. Teething has hit full force and we also had our first illness which didn't help!

During his eighth month he...
  • Said dada and mama. 
  • Started sleeping on his belly. 
  • Celebrated his first Christmas and New Year. 
  • Holds his own bottle or sippy consistently. 
  • Went to San Antonio for a Christmas celebration. 
  • Opened lots of presents. 
  • Threw his first tantrum. 
  • Had his first illness, an upper respiratory infection. 
  • Started army crawling and scooting everywhere. 
  • Went to the zoo for the first time. 
  • Survived the ice storm of 2013 in Dallas. 

Walker loves...
  • Standing!
  • Talking and screaming. 
  • His mommy and daddy more than anyone. 
  • Being outside and our daily walks.
  • His new big baby toys. Especially his activity table and dancing puppy!
  • The Itsy Bitsy Spider, is still his favorite song. 
  • Watching dogs. Any dog, all day long. 


Oh baby Walker! You're starting to seem less like a baby every day. This was such a fun month full of a lot of firsts. First words, first snow, first Christmas! Even a first tantrum, silly boy. Your little personality is shining through. It was such a great joy to celebrate your first Christmas and truly understand the sacrifice Mary made as she knew her son was not hers but was born for us all to experience the joy of everlasting life through her son Jesus. We made our own little family traditions and I can't wait to continue those each year. You're the best gift we've ever received, dub and we couldn't love you any more!


Seven months

Happy Seven Months Walker!!!

At seven months Walker is

  • 20 lbs
  • 28.5 inches long. 
  • Taking five bottles of six ounces a day and has two "meals" a day. Breakfast consists of oatmeal and a fruit and dinner is a veggie and a fruit and some sort of grain. He really likes bread and tortillas!
  • Wearing mostly 6 to 9 month or 9 month clothing. 
  • Sleeping ok. Goes down between 7 and 8 most nights and wakes up around 5 or 6 to eat and then back to sleep until 8 or 9. 

During his seventh month he...
  • Found his voice and screams. All. The. Time. Still. 
  • Started jumping or bouncing all the time and on anyone's lap. 
  • Celebrated his first Thanksgiving. 
  • Sits completely unassisted. 
  • Started using a sippy cup. 
  • Visited Santa!

Walker loves...
  • Reading. We read all the time!
  • Petting Dallas. And getting kisses in the face! And any dog he sees. He loves to watch their tails wag. 
  • Making funny noises with daddy. 
  • "Talking" to anyone who will listen.
  • Being outside and our daily walks. 
  • Looking at himself in the mirror. 
  • Seeing other babies. He specially likes baby Grace from gym class!
  • The Itsy Bitsy Spider, it's your favorite song. 
  • Rubbing momma's face as you eat or fall asleep. 


Oh little Dub! This was a great month. Thanksgiving was so fun and we even went to see Santa for the first time. You were smitten! This month you started moving more and you really want to crawl but just haven't gotten it yet. You're more vocal than ever and those first words are on their way. I can't wait for next month and all the fun that comes with December. Just you wait and see!


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