Monday, June 14, 2010

near death?


yesterday josh, travis and i headed to the driving range to hit some golf balls. i will admit that it's been awhile since i've hit some but i was doing pretty well and having a good time.

about 30 to 45 minutes into our outing, i began feeling dizzy, ringing in the ears, nauseas and just not "right". automatically i knew i was going to pass out. this happens from time to time due to vasovagal syncope. i'm used to it and most times if i sit or lay down i can stop it from happening. BUT this time i couldn't and so i passed out at the driving range.

according to trav, i actually had a mild heat stroke or seizure. i was also foaming at the mouth a little. good thing he was there. people were rushing over to me and he got everyone to back up and then quickly elevated my head and used cold water to bring my body temp down. thank GOD he's an EMT.

we were all a little shaken up after that. like i said i'm used to this, but it's never happened to me in public so i was quite embarrassed. trav has also never seen that happen so he was scared for me and we were both a little emotional after that!

but, i'm fine now and everything feels better! scary day but we're all ok and don't worry i'm not going to give up golf just because of this...i was kicking the boys' butts!

just thought you'd like to know what happened.

p.s. i clearly have the best boyfriend in the world and now, seeing his medical skills personally i have never been more sure of how safe i am with him around. love you trav!

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