Friday, November 1, 2013

Six months

Happy Six Months Walker!!!

At six months Walker is

  • 19 pounds 13 ounces with all his clothes and a wet diaper. Why they weighed him like that at the doctors office, I have no idea. I'm guessing he's closer to the 19 pound mark. 
  • 28.5 inches long. 
  • Taking five bottles of six ounces a day and has two "meals" a day. Breakfast consists of oatmeal and a fruit and dinner is a veggie and a fruit and some sort of grain. He really likes bread and tortillas!
  • Wearing size 2 diapers during the day and size three at night but once the diapers are gone in about a month we will be cloth diapering full time!!! Can't wait. 
  • Wearing mostly 3-6 month onesies and shirts and 6-9 month pants simply for length. This kid grew almost three inches in two months...crazy!
  • Not in a swaddle anymore, Praise Jesus! We just quit cold turkey and went to sleep sacks and he seems to love them just as much. He also weaned himself of the rock-n-play this month and now sleeps completely flat on his back in his pack-n-play. 
  • Sleeping ok. Goes down between 7 and 8 most nights and wakes up around 5 or 6 to eat and then back to sleep until 8 or 9. 

During his sixth month he...
  • Started rolling all over. 
  • Started sliding on his belly all over the hardwoods. 
  • Found his voice and screams. All. The. Time. 
  • Met his aunt Brookie!
  • Tasted all kinds of new food. Tomatoes, potatoes, pickles, tortillas and bread, among others. 
  • Started jumping or bouncing all the time and on anyone's lap. 
  • Celebrated his first Halloween. 
  • Started sitting for several minutes unassisted. 
  • Went to his first pumpkin patch. 

Walker loves...
  • Reading. We read all the time!
  • Petting Dallas. And getting kisses in the face! And any dog he sees. He loves to watch their tails wag. 
  • Making funny noises with daddy. 
  • "Talking" to anyone who will listen.
  • Being outside and our daily walks. 
  • Looking at yourself in the mirror. 
  • Seeing other babies. He specially likes baby Grace from gym class!
  • The Itsy Bitsy Spider, it's your favorite song. 
  • Rubbing momma's face as you eat or fall asleep. 


Oh sweet little boy. This last month was another good one. Although, they all seem to be good with you! You have the best little personality and we see it coming out more and more these days. You've found your voice and don't mind letting us hear it 😉. You did so many firsts this month with food and Halloween and some skills. I think you're also starting to enjoy our early morning cuddles as much as me these days. I can't imagine you getting any more cute or fun but I know it's all just starting. Happy half birthday to you Dub. We can't imagine our life without you!


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