This year was the best fourth of July ever!
Dallas and I took off Thursday morning for Michigan. The trip didn't start too well. First we were stuck on 64 forever. It took almost three hours to from Lexington to Louisville, it should have taken just over an! And since traffic was at a stand still Dal was spazzing out in the car. He kept jumping from the back to the front and crying. But then as soon as we got to Louisville traffic picked up and we were on our way to Michigan.
We got there around mid-night and were greeted by Kev and Diesel, Killian was at the Tiki Lounge!
On Friday we got up early and headed into town. We stopped by the office and I met some people and then we went canoeing. Now, I had a nervous, funny kind of feeling about canoeing. I'm not sure why but I was a little apprehensive about it. Killian was in a kayak and Kev and I were in the canoe. It was hard to steer because of all the trees in the river. Well, we ended up running right into a stump and I fell overboard. The whole thing almost capsized but Kev saved the boat. It was so cold and muddy and I thought I was going to die. I'm not at all dramatic so I'm not exaggerating a bit! I ended up being okay except for a huge bruise on my leg...

Later on Friday we went to dog beach and Dallas and Diesel had a super fab time playing in the water. I don't have any pics but Kev took a bunch so if you wanna look at them just check out his Facebook page. Dal had so much fun and he actually swam. He and Diesel love each other so much. They played all weekend and wore themselves out! We grilled steaks for dinner and spent the night by the fire pit just chatting and catching up. Killian set off some fireworks, Dallas went crazy and ran for the house. He was so scared and hated them, that he wouldn't even come back outside.
Saturday we went to the parade. It was great, so many floats and people. They were firing off a cannon and of course, Dallas flipped out! Here's some pics from the parade...
Dallas being scared.
Diesel boy.
More parade. They love to make fun of Ohio State in Michigan!

This is where Dal ended up when I started taking pics. And he wouldn't get up for anything!
After the parade we went for a train ride. I've been on a train but never inside the locomotive. It was so cool. I thought Dal would hate it because it's kind of loud and you rock a lot but he LOVED it!
Looking out the front window.
Kev, taking us for a drive.
Killlian helping Dal.
He thinks he'll be driving, sorry Dal you don't have opposable thumbs!
Dal and mommy on the train!
Later Saturday night we went into town for the fireworks. We sat on the jetty of the beach and watched an amazing show.
Sunday we got up early and headed to Chicago for the day. I ended up having a blow out on the highway but we finally made it to Gino's East for some stellar pizza. Dal and I made it home later that night and we are still exhausted!
I'm on vacay from work because they're on vacay so Jennifer is coming to Lexington and we are just going to relax and hangout.
More blogging to come.
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