Well it's finally time to tell you all about the new place!
{I know you're falling over, dying to know, peeing your pants right now.}
The name of the apartment complex is The Grand Reserve at the Pinnacle. It is a huge complex, with 35 buildings. It has an amazing pool and gym. Lots of dogs, for Dallas. And so many different kinds of people. We like not living in a strictly college complex!
The apartment itself is more like a town home. We have a neighbor to our right but nothing on the left. There is so much room and it just feels more grown-up!
I'll just show you a slide show with captions, it'll be easier since there's a lot of pics! :)


Our front porch. We've never had outside space. Like the 'P' flag? Luckily we both have 'P' last names! Notice my concrete owl?! LOVE.

End table Grandpa Pfau made. Coat closet. A few decorations on the wall.

Powder room...essential for two floor living!

Desk area. Two MACS!

Built in book shelves above the desk. Lots of knick-knacks! See the owl stuff? :)

View of front door from the living room. Still need more pics on the shelf on the wall and that cabinet is strictly for Dallas!

New t.v. Barclay bought. It's huge and in HD and we love it. It's going to be mounted above the fire place there.

Another view of the living room and Dallas on his thrown {aka the ottoman}.

New couch and Dal.

Kitchen view from the living room.

Love the decor above the kitchen cabinets. A little bit of Texas, vintage charm, flowers and UK!

Upstairs and of course Dal wanted to be in the pic!

Barclay's room. She's going to kill me for this pic so let's just not tell her!

My bathroom. I finally get to put up the super awesome and nice towels Myra gave me!

Upper bathroom cabinet. This bathroom has more storage than any bathroom I've ever had. And it's the biggest best shower too!

My DIY necklace storage. Got the idea from Real Simple.

Window seat and dresser in my bedroom.

My focal wall above my bed. Finally got the keys from Pottery Barn I've had my eyes on!

New bedding.

Close up of bedding and another pic of Dal. Man, he's an attention whore!

Bookcase and to the left is my closet and to the right is my bathroom.

Dallas' cage and my diploma frame!
So, what do you think? We've had so much fun decorating and making it our own place. We found a place here in lexington that sells home decor for really cheap called Home Goods. It's owned by TJ MAXX but it's even cheaper than that! I love that place and haven't had to spend too much to get the house the way I like! We also went to IKEA yesterday and wow! I love that place. We spent two hours in the store and didn't even go through every department. You could spend a week in there and still miss a lot!
Well, that's it. I'm sure we'll add more and move things around but we're already loving it!