so i'm nannying for two adorable little girls.
olivia kate is almost three and she's a "big girl"! she loves to do arts and crafts, play dolls and be a good little helper. she likes to do everything on her own and she's one of the most polite toddlers i've ever met. she's so thankful for the simplest things, like me helping her wash her hands or tucking her in for a nap.

she loves to put my shoes on!
lilly belle is almost four months and is so smiley and cute! she loves to talk to you and will listen to anything you have to say no matter how silly or babyish it sounds!
the biggest thing you should know about lilly is that she has cystic fibrosis {cf}. cf is a pretty complicated chronic illness and if you don't know anything about it you should do some research. what i can tell you is that cf affects your respiratory system and digestive system. before every meal she must take enzymes {olivia calls them beads because of they way they look} then take her bottle. she also has to have a respiratory therapy done twice a day. as she gets older things will get a little more complicated but for now she's healthy and happy {for the most part}. while she requires more work than any other child i've ever cared for she is so precious and a gift from GOD.
cf is a complicated disease but they're learning more and more about it every day and with help from people all over the world and donations made every year, they are getting closer to finding a cure. the average life span for a person with cf is 37 years and that's way older than what it used to be.
if you'd like to give to cf you can go to here and donate directly to lilly's cause. we'll be walking in the cf walk here in lexington in may and i'm trying to help holly and jeremy {parents} with the donations. {it is tax deductible!}
anywho, i love this gals already and i'm enjoying being back in lex doing what i do best!
lilly refuses to sleep unless her hand is on her face!
i actually got olivia to sit still long enough to snap one of the both of them!

sweet baby girl!
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