today josh is 23. are we getting old yet?
so here are 23 reasons why i love you, little bro.
1. you are one of the best advice givers.
2. you are the most non-judgmental person i know.
3. you play a mean guitar. piano. really any instrument!
4. you play with my dog.
5. we're like twins.
6. you have great hair.
7. you have the best ability to grow facial hair.
8. up for a beer? i know you are!
9. you love to drive. {i don't}
10. best travel partner ever.
11. your love for mi cocina, sunset fajitas forever, man.
12. you give great gifts.
13. you always asked for whatever i wanted.
14. finger sucking partner until the age of 10?
15. avid sport watcher.
16. sometimes i think you know everything.
17. part of the original three musketeers.
18. sharon and kalli.
19. make me laugh out loud.
20. inside jokes.
21. don't take things too seriously.
22. let me make fun of you.
23. you're my baby brother.
i hope you have the greatest birthday yet.
i. love. you.
This makes me miss Josh a whole bunch!!!! Sooooo sweet.