liv and lilly have been great lately.
i think liv is going through a growth spurt because she's eating all the time and saying that her body hurts, those darn growing pains!
we went shopping at target a week or so ago and liv wanted to try on all the halloween stuff. i let her put on a couple of masks and this was the best by far. she's so funny and she doesn't care what anyone thinks and if you can believe it i'm envious of that most days. it's so nice to see her just be herself and have so much fun!

i can tell lilly is starting to really come in to her personality. she gets extremely mad when you take things away from her that she shouldn't have. she can't sit still and she's beginning to watch cartoons just like big sissy. i swear she even hugged my the other day. three. times.

just watching a little toot and puddle. thanks nick jr.

also she's been climbing on everything and anything. i swear she went straight from sitting up to driving. is she really 10 months already with 6 teeth?
this is a clip of lilly climbing. she's unstoppable!
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