sometime in february i got this cart for FREE!! i love free stuff, don't you?!
anywho, i took my sweet time (about 6 weeks!) figuring out what to do with it, and came up with this...

see that ugly blue and those gold wheels? yuck.
i primed the cart first.

then sprayed it with blue ocean breeze (my new spray paint addiction).

next it was time for those wheels to get a little makeover. i used basic black spray paint on those babies!
i could've stopped there but i wanted a little more pizzaz!
so i bought this great black and white striped fabric.

i sewed a ribbon in coordinating colors to hide the raw edges at the bottom.

then i used hot glue and felt to add some pink strings to tie up the panels.

here's a pic of the finished panel down.

and here's my cart all loaded up with crafty stuff and fabric!
i loved doing this project and once i got started it didn't take me too long to finish. maybe four hours total and since the cart was free and i had the spray paint i only spent about $20.
what do y'all think?
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