this is going to be a rant...just thought i'd warn you up front that i'm super whinny this morning. sorry.
1. my tongue hurts. no for real, it does. this might take some explaining. you see, i have a geographic tongue (thanks, dad.). which, in short, means that my taste buds become discolored and i sometimes have cracks in my tongue. most times it doesn't really effect me at all butsometimes, it does. and today is one of those times. and it's irritating. grrrr.

2. i'm hating our apartment complex. i had to put dallas in doggy daycare today because they are fixing our wall from water damage. the same problem that's been happening off and on for the last year and they are just now fixing it. go figure when we'll only be there for another month and a half. ugh. dallas loves doggy daycare but i hate putting him in the car (bad mood instigator, right there) and i hate paying! at least he'll be knocked out tonight at home :)

this is doggy daycare at pet suites of america, nice place, uh!? dallas is spoiled, i know. there's a pool, too.
3. it's raining. i'm so tired of the cold and the rain. it's depressing.
4. i need things to turn around for the better. there's a lot of my life up in the air right now. i'll blog all about it when it's more definite. but it bugs me that i can't right now and that i have no idea about some things.
5. i already broke my promise for lent. yesterday, i forgot it was wednesday and olivia and i always eat at sonic on wednesdays after dance class. and i didn't have my lunch and it was the first day of lent. ugh, do you hate me, God? oh, i know you don't but i promise for reals this time, i won't do it again!
and i wouldn't want to end on a sour puss note so...
one thing i'm super excited about...
i found out yesterday that the hunger games trilogy is going to be made into movies!!!! omg! i can't even wait.
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