Thursday, May 12, 2011

the day of my little pony

olivia's birthday was april 30th but she had her birthday party this past saturday. she invited lots of family and friends to the little gym here in lexington to play and have cake and help celebrate.

it was such a great party and the kids had so much fun playing around in the gym and climbing and flipping on all the stuff!

lilly and i before cake

liv and her friends enjoying some cake

opening presents. this was mine and she LOVED the my little pony set we got her. she's totally obsessed with my little pony and had a my little pony themed party. all week she kept telling me we were going to play pin the pony on the tail...too cute!

trav was overwhelmed with excitement for a four year old birthday party! actually, he said he had a great time and i was so happy he agreed to come. plus, liv loves him and was excited to see him there as well.


here's a cute little vid from the present opening...liv's fav part of the party for sure!

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