1. this lady is coming to town today! so happy to be spending the weekend with one of my besties.
2. the halloween season is officially starting for us...not only did i decorate the house last night but we'll also be going to a haunted house this weekend. either here or here.
3. came back to work this week. so glad to see my girls again. didn't even realize how much i missed them. and tomorrow i get to see liv play soccer. can't wait for the hilarity of four year old girls running around a field with a ball! :)

4. check out this awesome outfit. i'll be spending the weekend (with said bestie) trying to find all the things that make this outfit so great.
even the s'more.
Source: laurenwakefieldphotography.com via Lauryn on Pinterest
5. not sure if i've mentioned this but,
oh, wait i have mentioned it, you say. oh shoot. well give me a break, i'm still relishing in the bask of the awesomeness that it is. and you should let me because it only happens once!