warning! warning! this post is going to be photo heavy since it's been a while since i've done an update on my special buddies!!!
but who doesn't love pics of beautiful little girls?
so now that school is back in full swing, we've been really busy.

liv is still taking a class at the little gym. it's a sports class this year. she's already done soccer and they just started learning about golf. she loves golf! and she's not too shabby at it either!

this is what lilly and i do in the morning right after liv goes to school and before we do our therapy for the day. she's usually watching chugginton or mickey mouse club and singing along.

the weather has been so nice lately. not too hot and not too cold. so we've been enjoying the back yard quite a bit. they love the sand. i hate sand. perfect activity!

when we eat lunch out we HAVE to go somewhere with a playground. this day was at wendy's.

they loved the moving clifford dog ride.

i'm teaching lilly to drive. ha, joking!

but she does love to come sit in my lap while we're waiting for liv's school to get out. i think all the buttons and moving the wheel are super fun for her.

lilly's favorite weekly activity is story time at barnes and noble. i think she loves it because it's just her activity and there's a stage that she loves to walk on!

she actually sits really still and listens to the book. i was shocked the first time we went!

this day we read Where the Wild Things Are and after the story they each got their own crown to be king of the wild things. she loved it!
with fall right around the corner things will start to get even busier around here BUT not before a week of vacation! while the girls will be having fun in the sun (at the beach!), i'll be holding the fort down in lexington. i'm sure i'll be fine on my own for a few days but then i'll get bored and i'll be ready for them to come back!
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