1. it's tailgating time. can't wait to see all my lovely AOII ladies tomorrow. what am i bringing to the tailgate? um, pumpkin spice donuts and beer. yep you read that correctly. and i'll enjoy that breakfast more than you know!
does that make me this guy...
Source: perpetualkid.com via Jennifer on Pinterest
2. can't wait for the baby shower on sunday. i've finished my first quilt just for this special baby boy. can't show you just yet (but monday for sure!) i'm pretty proud of myself but binding a quilt is a bitch. seriously.
3. speaking of the baby shower, since i'll be in louisville most of the day sunday...i get to have lunch with my bestie. can't. even. wait.

(awesome make-up courtesy of greek sing sophomore year)
4. i don't want to brag or anything but check out the weather in lex for the next four days. perfectly fall. amazeballs.

5. found this and thought, yep that's exactly what i was thinking!
Source: fashionandcoffee.tumblr.com via Ashley on Pinterest
and i can't wait!
hope you all have a splendidly fall weekend, wherever you are!
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