Source: via Ashley on Pinterest
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
thankful: 22
today i'm thankful for the gift of eternal life through the Son, our Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. we'd be nothing without Him.
Monday, November 21, 2011
weekend recap
Source: via Debbie on Pinterest
started my homemade christmas presents. finished putting up christmas decor. christmas music. gossip girl marathon (like every friday i'm home alone!). special call from a special aunt getting me a special headband from my special BYH store. lazy saturday. errands. 3 foot bone for dallas. awesome coat for $24. 6 sweaters for $57. caterers. yummy food. lunch with fam. canceled meeting. more snuggle time. off to bed with the glow of christmas lights.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
thankful: 18-20
so i'm getting really bad at these things...sorry.
on the 18th i was thankful target, walmart, pizza and sprite. these are the things we do on fridays to keep everyone happy. and they work, without fail, every friday!
on the 19th i was thankful for best buy. thank goodness for accidental coverage. mac is sick and in the apple hospital in louisville. get better mac!
on the 20th i was thankful for yummy food to eat all day while we were tasting for the wedding. so good. which makes the decision even harder :)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
thankful: 17/happy birthday bestie!
(i know i use this pic for everything. i just love it so much!)
today i'm celebrating my best friend in the whole world! she's seriously the best ever and i'm so thankful for her. want to know why? here are my top ten reasons i'm thankful for this beautiful friend of mine...
10. she's never judged me. ever.
9. she made me the maid of honor in her wedding and i'm returning the favor by making her my matron of honor.
8. she can't (or maybe just won't) decorate anything which allows me to step in and do it for her. not like i need another reason to decorate anything!
7. we can talk about things like poop, boogers, farts, periods, boobies and the such. TMI?
6. we LOVE to make fun of the same people/things.
5. she always knows what i'm thinking. i don't even have to say it out loud.
4. our love of stupid ABCfamily shows, friends, glee and ella enchanted.
3. she calls me for fashion advice. which makes me feel super cool. thanks j.
2. that little nugget she's cooking up. i'm gonna love that thing no matter what it is. boy. girl. cat. dog. ET. gremlin. no matter what.
1. she's seriously the kindest, most caring friend i've ever had. she's been through so much with me over the last 6 (or maybe 7?) years. always there with no agenda of her own. loving me no matter the cost.
i love you bestie!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
thankful: 16

today i'm thankful for my little brother! he's pretty awesome. i don't think he even knows how awesome he is, which makes him even more awesome. get it?!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
thankful: 15
today i'm thankful for the little gym.
i know, right?
but seriously you should see lilly and olivia's faces when they get to go to their classes.
pure joy...
liv showing off!
Monday, November 14, 2011
thankful: 14
Source: via Ashley on Pinterest
today i'm thankful for my sewing machine.
and you should be too because you'll probably be getting a handmade item for christmas made by yours truly and my sewing machine!
weekend recap
Source: via Ashley on Pinterest
AOII. gossip girl. spinning class x2. shelbyville. louisville. wedding stuff. making decisions (finally). over thinking. christmas decorations. new table (new to us at least!). cuddle time with dal. lunch with dad. visit with grandparents. shopping in louisville (way better than lex.). dinner with bestie and her husband. late night. errands longest nap ever. meetings. home cooked dinner. yummy cookies and ice cream. movie night. mom is back in the good ole USofA!!!!
thankful: days 11-13
so sorry i skipped out on three days guys.
lately i've been wondering where my brain is...oh well!
on friday i was so thankful to go home early from work. i had a million and one things to do plus going to the sorority house at 7:30, so it was nice to have a few extra hours to cram it all in!
saturday i was thankful for my dad. not only did he meet us in shelbyville to take pics and measurements of the wedding venue but he also helped us move a dinning room table into the car and load up our christmas decorations. thanks dad!
sunday i was thankful for forgiveness. i was soooo not a nice person to anyone that day and it's nice to know that even though i was terrible, they have forgiven me and still love me.
Friday, November 11, 2011
friday's fabulousness
1. it's initiation weekend....
Source: via Ashley on Pinterest
can't wait to see all the beautiful girls in their white dresses as they become an official sister!
2. T and i are going back to the wedding venue (with my wonderful daddy) tomorrow to take some pics and measurements so we can get going on decor. i know it seems so far away but i have big dreams people. and i'm going to be making a bunch of stuff (with help of course!) so we need to get started asap. plus, i mean, who doesn't love doing wedding stuff?!
3. just ordered the cutest christmas fabric ever...
too bad i can't tell you what i'm doing with it!
4. i'm going to be totally honest and tell you right now that T and i are decorating for christmas sunday. go ahead and judge us. and be a scrooge but this is our first (and only) christmas as an engaged couple and we want to relish in it for as long as possible! we can't even wait. and dal is so super excited too :)
5. speaking of christmas (it seems to be the only thing on my mind, sorry.) will you be seeing this movie?
oh, and here's an extra one...
mom is going to be back in the states on sunday!!! i can't even wait to hear her voice and tell her every detail of every day, of every hour, of every minute of my life for the last one million (no, not really, only 19) days. yay!
friday's fab
Thursday, November 10, 2011
thankful: day 10
today i'm thankful that i made it through the day.
seriously, i'm ready for the weekend and to finally get some things done on my forever long list.
anyone else already hating day light savings?
i am. and i'm so over it being dark at 6pm.
wait a minute? wasn't this supposed to be a thankful post?!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
wishes: the wedding
someone please tell me where i can find these bridesmaid dresses...
Source: via Ashley on Pinterest
the wedding
thankful: day 9
today i'm thankful for this furry face...

i love coming home to my dalpal. best. dog. in. the. world.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
thankful: day 8
today i'm thankful for the people i work for...holly and jermey. oh, and you could totally include olivia and lilly as my employers! this is such a sweet family and they've totally brought me in and treated me just like their own. i love those beautiful girls so much and my life is just plain better because of this family!

Monday, November 7, 2011
thankful: day 7
today i'm thankful for T's mom and dad (Mr. and Mrs Dr. Jacobs for the rest of ya!).
serioulsy, if they'd never had T then i'd never have him in my life, my soon to be husband, best fiance ever, my best friend for life, fav person ever.
you get it.
sorry i have no pic of them. but their real good lookin' people!
happy birthday T!
i can't believe you're 26 today. i know my time is coming soon too! so since i love you so much and it's your special day i've decided to list the top 26 reasons why i love you so, so much!
1. you are so driven, determined and goal oriented. it's so contagious and i admire you so much for that.
2. you've stuck beside me through some rough patches in life.
3. you're love of all things 90's.
4. you went to way more than your share of date parties and sorority functions. and you're not at all put out about me becoming an advisor this year. thanks for that!
5. you love to be silly. i don't but i'm getting better at it because of you.
6. you let me think that i'm the funny one.
7. you also let me think that i'm 98.3% right.
8. you let me take an obscene amount of pictures of the two of us, even though you hate having your pic taken.
9. you love my family.
10. you like my friends and genuinely care about them.
11. you let me dress you however i want.
12. you want me to go back to school as much as i want to.
13. in fact, you probably have more dreams for me than i have for myself. and you believe in me more than anyone in the world.
14. you take the trash out. every. week.
15. when i get in a pissy girl mood, you just tell me i'm right and then leave me alone!
16. you want to travel the world and experience new things.
17. you worry about our future and have plans that will give us the best possible life.
18. you're soooooo good lookin'! like smokin', babe.
19. you LOVE dallas!
20. you made graduation weekend bearable. enough said.
21. you love spending time with my lankster girls and make a point to see them when you have week days off.
22. you go to pumpkin patches with me even though you hate them and all the screaming kids.
23. you're selfless.
24. most weeknights you can't make it past 9pm before falling asleep.
25. it's your birthday and all you want to do is what i want to do. silly boy.
26. you actually asked me to marry you which means you actually want to spend the rest of your life with me. i can't decide if you're an angel from God or crazy. probably both!
i probably don't say it enough, but i love you more than anything babe. i can't wait to see what this next year has in store for you and for us.
happy birthday monkey!
love you,
Sunday, November 6, 2011
thankful: day 6
today i'm thankful for day light savings time. seriously that extra hour of sleep rocked my socks off.
and yes, i'm a little ashamed that i'm so old that extra sleep was way more important to me than an extra hour out downtown.
shame. shame.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
thankful: day 5
today i'm thankful for medications and urgent care centers.
in other news...i hate sinus infections. and missing AOII Kentucky State Day. seriously, hate it.
Friday, November 4, 2011
friday's fabulousness
1. going on a double date tonight! so happy barclay's in town and that we'll get to spend some time with her and the new boy. i can't believe it's been 6 months since we haven't lived together. four years of living together was awesome but now we have to be grown ups!
2. tomorrow is kentucky state day for AOII. i can't wait to get to bowling green and hear all the great speakers and see all the my awesome sisters. there are going to be sooooo many women there!

3. found this awesome thanksgiving printable here and can't wait to use it in the house this thanksgiving season.

4. this is hilarious. also if you find it, buy it. i'll pay you back. swearsies!
Source: via Ashley on Pinterest
5. you seriously have to invest in the michael buble christmas album. he's awesome and i think his voice is so sexy! and he's even got a male version of santa baby. even T loved it!
friday's fab
thankful: day 4
today i'm thankful for T's chipper morning attitude.
honestly, i can't even believe i'm thankful for that but i totally am.
you see, when i get up in the morning i want to die. i never wake up feeling "well rested", "energized" and "ready for the day". who are all you people who get those feelings and how do you do it?
i hate mornings. more than i hate driving (which is A LOT) but less than i hate birds (which is the MOST). loathe might be a good word for our relationship. but a girls gotta provide for her family, right? dallas needs those dog bones and we need to pay the rent. so i deal with the mornings the best i can.
today however, i told T we could go the the gym at 5 for spinning class. that's 5 am people. 5 AM!
and of course when it was time to get up, i didn't want to. BUT someone insisted that i should and i would feel much better after the workout and wouldn't feel so rushed getting ready for work since i was already up.
and you know what? he was right.
i know, i can't believe i'm admitting that. because another thing i hate just as much as mornings? admitting that someone else was right and i was wrong.
so for today i'm thankful for T, for the morning, for the spin class and for having a much better day than i would've if i'd gotten that extra hour of sleep.
but don't think for a second that mornings and i are friends now. we're not.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
thankful: day 3
today i'm thankful for celebrity gossip.
no, really. i'm being serious. because let's face it, every now and then i need to be reminded that my life really isn't that bad, it could be so much worse.
for instance...
i could be getting divorced.
Source: via Sarah on Pinterest
or i could be having a baby mama scandal.
Source: via Sydney on Pinterest
or going back to jail.
Source: Uploaded by user via Rain on Pinterest
i guess it's not really nice to relish in other people's misery but in my defense, it can be so easy to get caught up in how much stuff, money and fame celebs have. it's nice to know that they're real people with real problems (even if they're way worse than my own!).
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
thankful: day 2
today i'm thankful for the sunrise. the ability to start fresh everyday. today didn't go so well? you can start again tomorrow with a better attitude and a different outlook on life. thank God for that!!
Source: via jocelyn on Pinterest
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
a thankful november
can you believe it's already november?
holy cow, i can't! but i love this part of the year and so i'm going to soak it all up for as long as i can!
with the start of november starts my month of thankfulness!
today i'm thankful the sweet laughter of liv and lilly.

those girls have an amazing gift to turn a frown upside down!
love them.
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