Friday, November 11, 2011

friday's fabulousness

1. it's initiation weekend....

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

can't wait to see all the beautiful girls in their white dresses as they become an official sister!

2. T and i are going back to the wedding venue (with my wonderful daddy) tomorrow to take some pics and measurements so we can get going on decor. i know it seems so far away but i have big dreams people. and i'm going to be making a bunch of stuff (with help of course!) so we need to get started asap. plus, i mean, who doesn't love doing wedding stuff?!

3. just ordered the cutest christmas fabric ever...

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

too bad i can't tell you what i'm doing with it!

4. i'm going to be totally honest and tell you right now that T and i are decorating for christmas sunday. go ahead and judge us. and be a scrooge but this is our first (and only) christmas as an engaged couple and we want to relish in it for as long as possible! we can't even wait. and dal is so super excited too :)

5. speaking of christmas (it seems to be the only thing on my mind, sorry.) will you be seeing this movie?

oh, and here's an extra one...

mom is going to be back in the states on sunday!!! i can't even wait to hear her voice and tell her every detail of every day, of every hour, of every minute of my life for the last one million (no, not really, only 19) days. yay!

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