Friday, May 4, 2012

friday's fabulousness

as you all know, T and i just moved. we also started new jobs recently. we're also planning a wedding and getting to know a new city. life is moving. fast.

in order to slow down i've been taking some time just for me.

1. i love this song. i also love taylor but that's beside the point. it's just so soothing. i also love the hunger games.


2. now that we have real cable (!!!) and dvr, i'm obsessed with watching all kinds of things i haven't been able to before. and now i can watch shows whenever i please!

3. decorating is actually a HUGE stress reliever for me. i love using stuff i already have and changing it up in a different way. how convienient that we just moved and i had to decorate all over again! this one of my favorite areas in our new house...we finally have a bar, albeit small one. but still, a place for all our new bar stuff (thanks joe and alex!)

4. mom booked my flight to dallas for july fourth weekend! can't wait to see all my fav people down there. we're going to shop and eat and wedding craft all weekend. get ready gals! 

5. going to see this with the bestie tonight. can't wait! it also helps that i get to see maddie and cuddle her all night, if i want!


hope y'all have a great weekend. take some time just for you!

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