Monday, August 31, 2009

getting a good nights rest

so tomorrow's the big day!

i can't believe i start working my first, full time, big girl job.

i'm not going to post a lot tonight because i'm sure i'll have a lot to say tomorrow!

yay :)

till then...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

the end of nannying

well i surely hope it's the end.

not that i don't like it, i just don't love it anymore. which leads me to believe that it's just time for something new.

this was my last week nannying for the griffins. ian and cole were def a handful. i'd never nannied for two boys before and i hope i never will again!

it's not that boys are harder than girls, but they certainly aren't easier either. they're just different. they're rougher and tougher and wow!, they have a mouth. but ian was also very feminine and that meant a lot of tears and indecisiveness!

yesterday he came up to me and said, "assly, assly. hurry quick! there's a really really big mess in here."
i was thinking he was taking about his room but oh no, he was talking about his diaper!

that kid is pretty funny. i'll miss that.

cole cried all day yesterday. what's new? i think he wanted me to leave on the same note as all the other days. why make my last day special, uh kid?

but he did sleep on my chest for about two hours and snuggled my neck. i'll miss that.

i'm not sad to go though. their mom sure was. i thought she was going to wrap her body around my leg like a young child and make me drag her to my car! she kept going on and on about missing me and how she thought i'd be around longer. i felt bad but sometimes you just have to do what's best for you and so that's what i'm doing.

T-MINUS 3 DAYS...until i start the new job! I can't even wait. It's going to be so exciting!

so i'll leave you with some pics of the baby. {ian refused to have his pic taken!}

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

no more school

so today is the first day of classes at UK.

i'm a little sad that i'm not there. not sad about missing class though.

there's just a way of life in college. Everything is fun and interesting and you meet so many people. i spent five years there and they were the best years of my life {so far}!

here's a list of just some of the things that happened to me there:

met the man of my dreams
joined the greatest sorority ever
met my besties
studied harder than ever
became a professional napper
changed my major about 100 times
got into lots of trouble :)
fell in love with spanish
watched our football team shine
went through three basketball coaches
lived in a dorm, sorority house and two apartments
moved five times...yuck
learned all the words to the fight song
and got my diploma

it's weird that it's all over. feels so real now that schools started again.

but i know that it's time for a new chapter.

and i can't wait!

Monday, August 24, 2009

alone time

sometimes you really just need to get away from everything and just be by yourself and think and be quiet!

today i'm doing just that at panera. {it has free internet, so i guess i'm not really alone!}

most people have a problem being alone.
i'm like that sometimes but i really have no probs about going to eat alone or a movie and i love to shop alone.

like right now i'm thinking about how i'm not going back to school this week, sad. i really need to go pick up a new august to august calendar. {if you don't have one you should totally get one. i could not function without it, thank you tammy testa for introducing me to this!} i love the asian sesame salad, yum. i'm nervous about the new job but totally excited and i don't have to nanny anymore, yay! everyone i know is getting engaged/married, which i guess is to be expected since i'm getting older and we're out of college, still it seems so weird.

these are just some of the things i'm thinking about.

working tomorrow and thursday so i'll post later this week about leaving and add some new pics of the boys.

also, i'm thinking about becoming a young life leader here in louisville. as most of you know i was really involved in high school and then in college i became really busy with other activities but it's been on my heart for a while to get back into it. so i'm meeting with a guy on wednesday for coffee to discuss. super excited about it.

any thought?

happy monday y'all!

introducing the soon to be mrs. ryan bowling

exciting news just in!

my friend/sorority sister/mama bear/one of the coolest people ever just got engaged! so excited for her and ryan. i don't know all the dets yet, but you bet i will!
i have watched this girl grow so much over the last five years and am so blessed to call her my friend. can't wait for the wedding!

congrats sarah. i love you friend!

Friday, August 21, 2009

why do girls cry?

so girls cry, a lot.

i mean i do.

especially when i'm in trouble.

like monday, i got pulled over on 64 from my way back to louisville and he started telling me about how over 400 people in the state of kentucky have already died this year due to speeding accidents and i just started crying.


but he did let me out of a ticket because i promised not to do it again.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


trav is here!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


i love.

i hate long distance

i do. i really do.

and it doesn't matter who i'm away from. if i love you, then i hate being away from you.

in particular i'm missing travis at the moment.

{well and other's but i'm always missing those of you. see earlier reason.}

it's like as soon as we get to live in the same city only months later we have to be away again. we've been dating for just over four and a half years and we've had to live apart for about 18 months of that.

i. hate. it.

i just don't have my best friend around at my beck and call 24/7!

although i will say that at least we're only about an hour apart this time. it's way better than 18 hours.

so we'll just deal with it.

{or i'm just going to make him move to louisville! anyone want to give him a job?!}

Monday, August 17, 2009

i always, i sometimes, i never

{i always}

need to hear i love you
drink sweet tea
order the same thing at panera
miss texas
miss the people i'm not with

{i sometimes}

want to be a teacher
go to spinning class
take things for granted
achieve the perfect grilled cheese sandwhich
plan elaborate vacations that i'll never take

{i never}

go to bed mad
can just drop it
get enough spanish in the day
read the books i buy
go to bed at a decent hour on saturdays

Sunday, August 16, 2009

sorority life

today marks the first day of sorority recruitment 2009 at uk!

how i miss the days of sorority life.

reasons i love alpha omicron pi

1 red brick house with our letters hung proud
2 years spent living in it with fifty two other women
3 stuffed pandas sitting in my room today
4 founders, without whom there would be no AOII
5 complete rounds of watching all ten friends seasons
6 date parties and formals held each year
7 players on the flag football field
8 chairs around each dinning room table where not just meals were had
9 people always talking at once
10 littles and grandlittles in my extended family
11 nights going to bed before midnight
12 ounces in our fav drink of choice
13 weddings i've been to or will go to
14 different homecoming events
15 times i complained about one thing or another
16 friends made for a life time
17 ways of getting in trouble
18 t-shirts being made into a quilt
19 runs from fraternity row
20 silly songs and chants that still somehow get stuck in my head
and there's so many more to many to write!

four years wasn't enough and i miss it more and more every day.

i love my sisters and wish them all the best this week.

our first time on the "other side"

date party junior year

senior night during recruitment 2008

our last formal

Saturday, August 15, 2009

could you be a time traveler?

so i saw the time traveler's wife and well, it wasn't as awesome as i anticipated {the book was better!} but i did like it nonetheless.

so my question to you is, could you be a time traveler?

i don't want to give away too much of the movie, for those of you who haven't seen it and want to. but, he moves back and forth through time, past and present and future. he goes days, weeks without seeing his wife. he's constantly on the run trying to get back to the present and he's always naked when he travels! that part i don't think was necessary but there was eric bana's butt on the big screen! i didn't mind looking.

i just don't know that i could go without seeing my husband on a daily basis or could i ever get used to him being there one second and then gone the next. he also misses some pretty important events and call me old fashioned but i just want my husband to be around! if i marry him it's because i love him and like to be around him right?!

so, could you be a time traveler?

he does get to see some cool events happen over and over again. but he also sees the bad ones. he can go into the future and find things out but that could be bad too. would you really want to know things before they happen. i think i'd like to know like who and when i'm going to get married or where i'll end up living or meet my kids or grandkids but then again maybe not. i guess it's a good thing that this can't happen in real life. god must have not given us this gift for a good reason!

so, would you be a time traveler if you could?

new job brings new big girl pants

so i had to tell the lady i babysit for that our relationship has come to an end. you see this is a hard thing to do for two reasons.
{1. if you love the kids then you hate to go. like my testa girls! oh how i miss those little cutie pie angels!}
{2. if you don't love the kids then it's hard to go because you just don't want to leave them high and dry. plus you always hate quitting a job like this because it's not very "official"}

but with all that said it's done and done. i only have two weeks left with them and then it's big girl job time!

i'm off to lexington tomorrow to visit my monkey and then back to louisville on monday.

{happy weekend peeps!}

Friday, August 14, 2009

flu season?

so i'm pretty sure i have the flu...or a bad (i mean really, really bad) cold.

and i'm pretty sure i got it from the kids i babysit. they've both been sick and now i am and i'm not happy about it at all.

yesterday i had to babysit with a fever, cold chills, a head ache, stuffy nose and a sore throat. it was the worst day ever. while i thought i was dying, Ian decided to be the devil and bang on everything in the house and the baby was still sick so he cried all day. just awful. but it's ok because today i'm giving my two weeks notice and then i never have to babysit again!

today i'm feeling a little better but still not 100%. i'm going to lunch with jennifer and then we're going to a florist to look at flowers for her wedding (YAY!) and then to see "the time traveler's wife".

hopefully i don't die.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

a new school year on a ninth birthday

so tomorrow is the first day of school for jordan and it also happens to be her ninth birthday. we will be going up to school for lunch and then having a taco party tomorrow night. i'm taking her to build a bear on friday to spend some quality sister time!


Monday, August 10, 2009

Extra, Extra! Read All About It!

Today, Monday August 10th, 2009, is one of the best days of my life!

I received an official offer of employment from JAM Brands at 10:37 am. I will be working for a branch of their company, GLCC. Feel free to go to the websites ( or but I'll tell you as much as I know so far.

It all started back in June. I received an e-mail from a school advisor saying there was a new job posting on the career center's website. I looked it up and thought, I could definitely be an event coordinator. I immediately applied and received an e-mail a few days later saying they wanted to do a phone interview. I went through that and then waited for a while to see what was next. Then in the middle of July they called again to ask if I could come in for an interview. I met with three girls at the company and had a great feeling. It was, to this day, the best interview I've been on. I just had a great feeling when I left and knew I would fit in perfectly. I then had to wait a few more weeks and once I moved to Louisville they asked to see me in person again. This time I was meeting some of the executives. I had a good feeling but they were somewhat concerned that I was overqualified and might not be satisfied or happy there. I assured them that I would be a great asset to the company and that I would work harder than anyone else. That was last Thursday. Today I got the call and they want me! I start September first. It was a long process, three months total but I could not be happier. I finally have a great job, great pay, great benefits...what more could a girl ask for?

So to all of you who prayed, crossed your fingers, sent good vibes and rubbed your rabbits foot a big THANK YOU! I am so thankful to have such a wonderful family and great friends who love and support me through whatever life throws at me. The job hunt is over for now and I can't wait to start my big girl job and see what God has in store for this next chapter of my life.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

sorry killian

omg! i can't believe i forgot to post about killian's 20th birthday. how rude! well kk, i apologize from the bottom of my heart. and so here's to you and your milestone birthday. for the next three years all four of us sibbys will be in our twenties. sorry meg, you'll be thirty and ruin the whole thing! so until then happy twenties to us and before you know it will be saying that when we're in our forties and don't want to turn fifty!


typical killian smile!

love you kk!

katchup day

ok so in the 8th grade i had this science teacher who used to write on the board "katchup day" and then draw a tomato. it was his way of giving us a day to catch up on old assignments and readings but really it was like a free day.

so this post shall be a catch up post!

had the job interviews last week. i think they went pretty well. tomorrow at 9 am i have a bilingual interview over the phone with the supervisor of one job. it should be interesting since i have to babysit also! good thing it's during nap time for one and "blues clues" for the other. then the people at jamfest wanted me to come in thursday to meet some executives. overall it went well but for the first time ever, i was told that i might be over qualified. so silly. too much education and not enough experience is all i'm getting these days. oh well, something has to happen sooner than later. it's just my turn! i should here something by the end of the week from both jobs.

living in louisville has been pretty good so far. i won't say that moving home is ideal or easy but i'm thankful that i'm not paying rent or utilities at the moment and dallas loves it so we're settling in just fine. i'm also glad to be near fam and friends.

friday night i got to have dinner with kallie and jennifer. hadn't seen kallie since january and was super excited to catch up with her. then jennifer and i went to see "the ugly truth". it wasn't as bad as i thought it'd be. i actually thought a lot of it was actually true! overall, a cute chick flick.

travis came for his first visit since the move. it's hard to spend anytime together in a house full of people and dogs but we went to eat and watched movies. glad to finally have time to catch up on our week without each other. his new emt job is keeping him busy, busy, busy! dallas went crazy when he saw him and he even slept with him last night instead of me! he missed his daddy!

there is one thing on my mind right now. i'm wondering sometimes why people say the things they say. i've not always been good about thinking before i speak but i have been trying very hard lately. that said, when you don't talk you listen and when you listen you hear things and think, did they just really say that? my only complaint today is that i wish people would think before they speak. love everyone but love your family and friends the most. treat others with respect and you will gain the respect of others. and most importantly, think before you speak.

i lost some respect for a few people this week and while i won't go into specifics, it's a shame that people you love and sometimes look up to, disappoint you in a way that you can't fix. i still love them but come on y'all, think before you speak.

that being said, i 'ought to do the same and end this before someone calls me out!
more to come later this week!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

feliz cumpleanos mamacita!

today is my mommy's birthday!

she is the most beautiful 42, i mean 21 year old ever! i'm sorry that i can't be there to celebrate with you, or even buy you a present because i'm so broke but i thought i could say a little something here that might make up for it!

happy birthday. today is one of those days in history, at least our history, that is most important. you see without life for you there would be no life for me! i've lived the last 23 years watching you and learning from you. you are magnificent. your outside beauty is no match for your inner beauty. the way you love josh and i is beyond the definition of love. life has not been easy but you have put on a smile and continued to work hard and make the most of it. we've not been the perfect children you probably hoped for! but then perfect children would be no fun! you are silly, especially with us. burping contest at the dinner table, singing as loud as we possibly can in the car, and your crazy obsession with vacuuming! you've always been there for us. through bad auditions, boyfriends and girlfriends, and our smart, often stupid!, mouths. i've always wondered how you put up with it but it's dawned on me that it's not that you always wanted to but your love as a mother has made you. oh i know you love us but sometimes it's hard to love little monsters! it takes a special kind of mother to keep loving teenagers, and thank goodness that only lasted seven years! it's always been the three of us. there have been times with others but when you get right down to it, there is a special kind of bond between us three. you know when we're hurting and when all seems worst in the world, it's only necessary that a call to "mommy" will fix the hurt and pain. so congratulations to you. for putting up with two toddlers, for sending us off that first day of school, for all the lunches made, practices driven to, choir recitals attended, hearts broken, clothes bought, graduations, drop offs at college, relationship advice, atm withdraws, and just putting up with us in general. you see i like to look at your best birthday as august 6th 1987. that was the day that we were made whole. because while you were born in 1967, the three musketeers were born in 1987 and since then it's been a beautiful journey. one that i've been proud and honored to be a part of. mom, you're the best mommy in the world and i think i'll keep you around for another 42, uh i mean 21, years! i love you. bundles!

we love you mom, a & j

job update

well hello everyone!

here's the 411 on the job situation.

i've had a couple of interviews with this company in lexington. they do sports association work and i've interviewed for two different positions. it's a great company and i think i'd make great money but i'm unsure about moving back and i really love the job in louisville.

today i'm going on my third interview with a cheerleading company here in louisville. I WANT THIS JOB! it's been a long process with them. i've been talking to them since june! i've had a phone interview and an in person interview and today, hopefully, is the last step. i really love the atmosphere of this place. the people are great and the work would be fun and challenging. plus there is a lot of travel all over the country which would be great to visit all of you! the pay is good for just out of school and the benefits are excellent...pretty perfect so we'll pray!

i'll keep you updated. i'm still applying everywhere but nothing else has come about yet. please keep me in your thoughts today around 11:30!

Monday, August 3, 2009

enough already

I've just moved to Louisville and get an interview in Lexington. What the heck? God, are you laughing at me? Every time I think I'm finally settling down somewhere, something else comes up!

The move went ok. I had a lot of stuff. I probably threw away or gave half of it away. You never know how much stuff you accumulate until you move. It's awful!

More updates later this week!

time to grow up

The only way to be the best woman God has made me is to grow up.

I’m 23 years old and I’m still not a grown up. I say I am and I try to act that way but there’s something I just haven’t been able to achieve to be totally grown up.

I’ve been this way since I was very little. I cannot admit that I am wrong. Being wrong has always had a negative and weak connotation in my mind. I’m not exactly sure where that came from but nonetheless here I am stuck being immature and so not grown up.

So, where is this going you may ask? Well I am finally admitting that I am/was wrong.

I’ve been living on edge for the past three months. Life is throwing me curve balls, one after the other. I have handled things with a smile on my face to most but for one person in particular, I have been down right awful.

I’ve been thinking about why people hurt the people they love most and this is what I’ve got.

People know that the people they love most will always be there. You see, we already forgiven them before the hateful words come out of their mouth. We refuse to let go of the happiness to let in the hurt and sadness.

Today, I underappreciated the one person who has been there the most for me in the last four years. Travis has seen me at my very worst and my very best. Through sorority craziness, friendships lost and found, divorce, graduation, awards, accomplishments, rejection, unemployment, death and much, much more, Travis has been there. Things haven’t always been easy, but then they aren’t always supposed to be. I have begun to take for granted the man that I love most in the world.

Travis is a gentle soul in the body of a strong beast! His love for others inspires me to be better. He strives to be better everyday. I have watched him grow in his faith and trust the Lord everyday for years now and I can only say that I admire is passion and zest. He isn’t perfect, but he doesn’t try to be. He knows his faults and only tries to be better. He has compassion for those who are less fortunate and has always lent a helping hand to anyone in need. His hard work and diligence will allow him to succeed beyond his wildest imagination. And above all else, his heart of gold is bigger than any man’s I’ve ever met. He is God’s gift of earthly love to me.

I apologize now and promise always to apologize when I am wrong.

I love you, Travis.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

real quick

sorry i've been m.i.a.
i promise i will return no later than tuesday.
packing is all done.
still in lexington but going to louisville tomorrow.
will be unpacking and moving stuff to grandma and grandpa's basement.
anyone in louisville want to help?
oh wait, jennifer already said she would! i love you!
more later, i promise, promise.
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