today is my mommy's birthday!
she is the most beautiful 42, i mean 21 year old ever! i'm sorry that i can't be there to celebrate with you, or even buy you a present because i'm so broke but i thought i could say a little something here that might make up for it!
happy birthday. today is one of those days in history, at least our history, that is most important. you see without life for you there would be no life for me! i've lived the last 23 years watching you and learning from you. you are magnificent. your outside beauty is no match for your inner beauty. the way you love josh and i is beyond the definition of love. life has not been easy but you have put on a smile and continued to work hard and make the most of it. we've not been the perfect children you probably hoped for! but then perfect children would be no fun! you are silly, especially with us. burping contest at the dinner table, singing as loud as we possibly can in the car, and your crazy obsession with vacuuming! you've always been there for us. through bad auditions, boyfriends and girlfriends, and our smart, often stupid!, mouths. i've always wondered how you put up with it but it's dawned on me that it's not that you always wanted to but your love as a mother has made you. oh i know you love us but sometimes it's hard to love little monsters! it takes a special kind of mother to keep loving teenagers, and thank goodness that only lasted seven years! it's always been the three of us. there have been times with others but when you get right down to it, there is a special kind of bond between us three. you know when we're hurting and when all seems worst in the world, it's only necessary that a call to "mommy" will fix the hurt and pain. so congratulations to you. for putting up with two toddlers, for sending us off that first day of school, for all the lunches made, practices driven to, choir recitals attended, hearts broken, clothes bought, graduations, drop offs at college, relationship advice, atm withdraws, and just putting up with us in general. you see i like to look at your best birthday as august 6th 1987. that was the day that we were made whole. because while you were born in 1967, the three musketeers were born in 1987 and since then it's been a beautiful journey. one that i've been proud and honored to be a part of. mom, you're the best mommy in the world and i think i'll keep you around for another 42, uh i mean 21, years! i love you. bundles!
we love you mom, a & j
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