so i saw the time traveler's wife and well, it wasn't as awesome as i anticipated {the book was better!} but i did like it nonetheless.
so my question to you is, could you be a time traveler?
i don't want to give away too much of the movie, for those of you who haven't seen it and want to. but, he moves back and forth through time, past and present and future. he goes days, weeks without seeing his wife. he's constantly on the run trying to get back to the present and he's always naked when he travels! that part i don't think was necessary but there was eric bana's butt on the big screen! i didn't mind looking.
i just don't know that i could go without seeing my husband on a daily basis or could i ever get used to him being there one second and then gone the next. he also misses some pretty important events and call me old fashioned but i just want my husband to be around! if i marry him it's because i love him and like to be around him right?!
so, could you be a time traveler?
he does get to see some cool events happen over and over again. but he also sees the bad ones. he can go into the future and find things out but that could be bad too. would you really want to know things before they happen. i think i'd like to know like who and when i'm going to get married or where i'll end up living or meet my kids or grandkids but then again maybe not. i guess it's a good thing that this can't happen in real life. god must have not given us this gift for a good reason!
so, would you be a time traveler if you could?
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