liv and lilly have been keeping on my toes lately! we're having so much fun. today i took liv shopping while lilly was at the doctor. (good news at the doc! she's doing so well...yay!) we went to target and she had $20 to spend. she did really well with her budget. she bought a dress, a book, a cinderella toy and even a onesie for lilly!
then the girls and i went to sonic for lunch before liv's wiggle worm glass at the little gym. she had never been there and was so excited that we got to "have a picnic in the car". i let her sit in the front seat and she LOVED that!
both girls are growing like weeds and just having so much fun with life right now. my life would be so boring without them!

lunch in the car.

liv was soooo tired after preschool yesterday.
this is the most hilarious video. maggie (the dog) was chasing her tail and lilly was laughing histerically at her, which made me laugh, which made liv laugh. good times!
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