date night. sister's birthday chat. heels. 60 degree weather. late nights. early morning walks. dog park. target. kisses. nap time in the bluegrass. college football. uk over loserville. three day weekend. haircut. olive garden. grocery shopping. alone time. reading. glee on dvd.
had a great holiday weekend with no prior made plans. i love it that way.

i often feel like labor day officially closes summer and opens the fall season. and while we're experiencing 90 degree weather today, i'm excited for what fall has to offer. i have a good feeling that change is on the way and it's only for the better!
how was your weekend? feel like summer's over? how much are you looking forward to fall? if you're like my mother, you hate it! but i think most will agree with me that it's the most lovely time of the year.
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