Wednesday, December 8, 2010

christmas craft #9

Glitter Christmas Trees

these are pretty easy but very messy!

what you'll need:
a cone form
mod podge
glitter (i love martha stewart's tinsel glitter!!)
a sponge brush
paper plates
you'll want to decide what pattern you're going to do first.
i choose stripes in three different colors.
use the sponge brush to paint on the mod podge.
put your desired color on.
keep repeating until you reach the top.
i used the paper plates for the glitter to spill on and used three different ones (one for each color).
let dry and enjoy!

pretty pretty!

i changed up my bookshelf in my room. i added the print of a quote from elf (great christmas movie!) and the elf next to the print is actually a wine box from michael's at 30% off (total= $2.49!!). i'm going to be adding some other elves but those are another christmas craft!

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