dallas has been up to no good lately!
we've had snow and a break out this week.
this weeks funny dal story goes something like this...
monday morning i left for work and locked up just like always (or so i thought). i got a call from barclay around 10 saying that she thought she heard a dog barking from outside and it sounded a lot like dallas. so she called his name and he came running up the stairs. she went to pet him and noticed he was freezing cold. she then walked downstairs and saw the front door standing wide open. i can only assume that dallas spent a couple hours on the front porch barking at all the people going to work that morning. silly dog. guess i'll have to double check the lock from now on. or maybe he knows how to unlock and open the front door, i refuse to believe this however!
what kind of dog lays like this? oh yeah, that'd be mine! he's a weirdo sometimes.


dallas loves to play catch with snow balls.


can we go back outside and play in the snow mom...pleeeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeee?
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