Tuesday, April 26, 2011
moving day

i feel like this is my life today!
and i'm sorry to say i'll be mia the rest of the week because we're trying to get everything organized and won't have internet for a little bit.
but rest assured that when i come back next week, i'll have some gooooood stuff for ya!
Monday, April 25, 2011
life happenings
well, big changes are coming my way.
(but not too big!)
things are happening a little differently than i thought they would, but i couldn't be more excited!
as you may, or may not, have known my lease in lexington is up at the end of this month.
i had a few options as to what my next move was and really thought i wanted to move back to texas.
i began making some loose (very loose!) plans to see if it would work out. researching schools and jobs and places to live.
trav and i were making plans to be together in dallas, working on both of our careers and making a life in our hometown together.
but, things happen. life changes.
i'd like to say that i'm used to that and that i've come to appreciate the changes but i'd be lying!
i hate change. i hate making plans and having them fall through.
this time it's working out for the best and i am so happy to say that not only am i staying in lexington but trav is moving back!!!
no more long distance.
no more talking until 1 am.
no more 6:30 am wake up calls.
no more phone dates instead of real ones.
no more skype dates.
no more virtual snuggling!
lots more being together!
we are so excited about the opportunities happening up here and the chance to just be together in the same city again.
i'll keep you posted on our job/school stuff once we figure it all out but i wanted everyone to know that i'm staying in lexington. for now.
one day i'll get back to the lone star state and it'll be the right time and for all the right reasons!
until then i'll be living life to the fullest with the hunk and the pup in lex :)

weekend recap

easter weekend. packing, packing, packing. sewing class. gift making. movies. no internet. no cable. cleaning. baking. louisville. two easters. egg hunting. jesus loving. good food. good people. good fellowship.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
one year
happy anniversary to an amazing couple!
love you mom and greg and hope you have many, many more years ahead!
Friday, April 22, 2011
update: liv & lilly
this weeks photo updates are a little more special because olivia took most of them herself!
she loves playing with my phone and taking pics of whatever she can!

lilly saw big sissy drink from a straw and now insists on doing it that way too!

big girl in her baby swing. she loves to swing outside and it was raining so i obliged her inside. she loved it and was in there for about an hour!

fuzzy shot.

finally got liv to let me take one of her!

my silly buddies. i love these girls!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
wishes: all things easter
easter printables

easter crafts
Source: southern-charmz.com via Ashley on Pinterest
Source: easter.tipjunkie.com via Ashley on Pinterest
Source: easter.tipjunkie.com via Ashley on Pinterest
fun easter food
Source: easter.tipjunkie.com via Ashley on Pinterest
Source: easter.tipjunkie.com via Ashley on Pinterest
Source: easter.tipjunkie.com via Ashley on Pinterest
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
i should really let you in on a little secret.
it took me a while to defeat the zipper, i tried so hard for about two weeks and gave up.
my brain just couldn't wrap around how to place things the right way.
but, i'm so happy to report that i have in fact defeated the zipper and will no longer be afraid of it. therefore, there will be a lot more projects involving the zipper. for example, these zipper pouches...

don't you love the herringbone?
i do!
next up on the zipper sewing list...pillows.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
weekend recap

dinner served by brother. beer. harry potter 7.1. sewing class. cutest tote bag ever. nap with dal. dvr watching. sewing. more sewing. defeated the zipper. orange leaf with the bro. late night. slept in. spring cleaning (like for reals, top to bottom!). errand running. jcrew. petsmart pit stop. grocery. homemade pizza. more sewing. bow tie for dallas. late night convo.
Friday, April 15, 2011
wishes: bicycles
i love bicycles. not bikes. bicycles. please buy me one. with a cute basket, to ride to the farmer's market. or with my hunk.
Source: 1.bp.blogspot.com via Ashley on Pinterest
Source: giant-bicycles.com via Ashley on Pinterest
Source: greenweddingshoes.com via Ashley on Pinterest
Source: anthropologie.com via Ashley on Pinterest
Source: everythingfab.com via Ashley on Pinterest
Thursday, April 14, 2011
update: liv & lilly
the girls are still doing great! i mean, when are they not? :)
we've been super busy lately with spring break last week. nothing like a week off school to make you fill up your calendar.
liv attended camp at the little gym for three hours monday through thursday and on friday we went to movie tavern for lunch and hop. the girls loved it. the movie and lunch, of course because we like to eat around here!
here are a few pics from the last couple of weeks.

playing dinos at the children's museum downtown.

sitting on a tooth at the museum.

lilly decided she wanted to push the stroller instead of sitting in it at target. this was hilarious and i wish i had video because people were laughing as we strolled past!

lilly's smartvest came in a couple weeks ago and we're finally familiar with it and use it everyday. it's great because it's not as hard on my hands and it's so much better for her health than the manual chest percussion.

she hated it at first but now pretty much sleeps through it for me, or talks to me in a funny voice!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
happy birthday glenda!
i just wanted to give a quick shout out to my grandma glenda on her birthday...well technically it was yesterday and i'm the worlds worst granddaughter for not putting this up then but we won't talk about that ;)

i can't express how much i love you! you and grandpa are always there for me and have supported and encouraged me so much in the last 6 years since i've been in ky. i am so thankful for your unconditional love. i hope you had a wonderful birthday and i can't wait to celebrate with you on easter. (because yes, i'm bringing presents!!!)
i love you!
wishes: olivia's birthday list
this post is brought to you by none other than olivia lankster!
friday we went to target just the two of us while lilly was at the doctor.
she asked me to take pictures of all the things she wanted for her birthday, which is april 30th.
here are the goods:

i think this is a bead kit for bracelets and necklaces.

this was actually really cool and it's toy story 3 so win, win.

self explanatory.
cool ereader for kids. too bad she has something very similar that she rarely uses!

obsessed with anything my little pony these days.

and strawberry shortcake. can i have this remote controlled car?

boy toys are her thing right now, too. weirdo kiddo!

at the sight of this, "it's me. olivia!. i need this."

transformer truck.

i think it's a nerf gun but it had toy story 3 on it.
all are available at target and just in case you were wondering she's totally fine with receiving presents from strangers! ;)
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