the girls are still doing great! i mean, when are they not? :)
we've been super busy lately with spring break last week. nothing like a week off school to make you fill up your calendar.
liv attended camp at the little gym for three hours monday through thursday and on friday we went to movie tavern for lunch and hop. the girls loved it. the movie and lunch, of course because we like to eat around here!
here are a few pics from the last couple of weeks.

playing dinos at the children's museum downtown.

sitting on a tooth at the museum.

lilly decided she wanted to push the stroller instead of sitting in it at target. this was hilarious and i wish i had video because people were laughing as we strolled past!

lilly's smartvest came in a couple weeks ago and we're finally familiar with it and use it everyday. it's great because it's not as hard on my hands and it's so much better for her health than the manual chest percussion.

she hated it at first but now pretty much sleeps through it for me, or talks to me in a funny voice!
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