well, big changes are coming my way.
(but not too big!)
things are happening a little differently than i thought they would, but i couldn't be more excited!
as you may, or may not, have known my lease in lexington is up at the end of this month.
i had a few options as to what my next move was and really thought i wanted to move back to texas.
i began making some loose (very loose!) plans to see if it would work out. researching schools and jobs and places to live.
trav and i were making plans to be together in dallas, working on both of our careers and making a life in our hometown together.
but, things happen. life changes.
i'd like to say that i'm used to that and that i've come to appreciate the changes but i'd be lying!
i hate change. i hate making plans and having them fall through.
this time it's working out for the best and i am so happy to say that not only am i staying in lexington but trav is moving back!!!
no more long distance.
no more talking until 1 am.
no more 6:30 am wake up calls.
no more phone dates instead of real ones.
no more skype dates.
no more virtual snuggling!
lots more being together!
we are so excited about the opportunities happening up here and the chance to just be together in the same city again.
i'll keep you posted on our job/school stuff once we figure it all out but i wanted everyone to know that i'm staying in lexington. for now.
one day i'll get back to the lone star state and it'll be the right time and for all the right reasons!
until then i'll be living life to the fullest with the hunk and the pup in lex :)

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