Tuesday, November 17, 2009

today i'm thankful for...


today is jennifer's 24th birthday. so on such an occasion it would only be appropriate to make a top ten list of why i'm so thankful for her! :)

10. she's my eating out buddy. I can pretty much talk her into going anywhere as she can with me too!
9. she has given me some pretty funny memories from our sorority days! ;)
8. she's getting married next june and therefore giving me not only the duty of being maid of honor but also wearing a pretty dress, and we all know i can't possibly turn down a pretty dress.
7. she's pretty much obsessed with holidays like me.
6. we've watched every episode of friends together {3 or 4 times now)
5. we love to complain about, well just about anything together!
4. she has a heart of gold.
3. she loves my dog...that's saying a lot.
2. she was the best roomie i ever had {and i miss that everyday}
1. she's my bestest friend in the whole wide world!

So here's to you J-Poo. I hope you had the best birthday yet and i'm so honored to call you my friend.
i love you!

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