Friday, January 22, 2010

What do I want?

That question has been running through my head for a very long time now.

What do I want?

I envy people who know exactly what they want. How is it that you can be so lucky? Did you do something I didn't? Do you have more discipline? Are you more ambitious?

What happened to me? When did I become this person instead of who I wanted to be?

It's funny how many times in life we change. Like when you're three and you want to be a mommy. When you're in kindergarten you want to be what your daddy is. Then it's a doctor, a lawyer, a fireman. Then you get into high school. You work hard for four years to get into a good college. Where all your hopes and dreams will be realized. You pick a major and plan your whole life accordingly.

So what happens when things don't go the way you plan?

I guess you start all over.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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