so let me just let you in on our little love story. warning: it's pretty cute. i mean, just ask my momma.
it all started back in the 7th grade. we went to good 'ol LHJH.
we were never in the same crowd. we knew of each other but had never spoken to each other or really even looked in the direction of one another.
(well, except when trav started stalking me senior year. more on that a little later.)
skip forward 5 years and we're seniors making big decisions about college.
who would have thought we both had ties to the university of kentucky. 900 miles from home.
his parents went there and my whole fam is practically from there.
here's where the stalking came in (on his part. i would never!) once he found out we would both be attending the same college he just had to know who this ashley was and why the heck she would be going to kentucky. i had the same feelings. i wondered who this boy was ruining my "far way from home college experience".
lets fast forward again to the beginning of freshman year at uk. i met a guy named doug and we became friends/study buddies. (this is not relevant right now, but it will be.)
october of 2004 i was walking down south limestone with my roomie. we were headed to mcdonalds (so tired of the dorm food already) when i was suddenly face to face with none other than travis jacobs.
he said, "hey, aren't you that girl from lake highlands?"
i said, "uh, yeah. you must be travis."
he said, "yeah. and you're ashley."
then, i totally dismissed him and said, "well cool. see ya around."
i can remember my roommate and i laughing about how weird it was running into him.
now doug comes into the pic.
turns out he not only lived in the same dorm as travis but they were actually good friends. doug found out we knew each other and thus a plan was devised. i can't say it was a good one, though!
over the next three months or so we saw each other off and on and started talking little by little. by the time my 19th birthday rolled around in january we were getting pretty comfortable being friends. he ended up coming out with my friends and i for my birthday celebration and suddenly i realized i might just like this travis jacobs from lake highlands.
i didn't want to but it was already done.
he felt the same way but took a little longer to let it sink in!
then in early february i had a sorority date party and no date. my friends kept telling me to ask trav but i just couldn't do it. i'm old fashioned. i didn't want to ask a boy out! :) so with a little help from the roomie, we set up a group date and i asked travis to come.
that night we danced and talked and once we were walking back to the dorms we decided we both wanted more. that was february 11th. the night of our first date. the first night of us.
who would've thought two kids who have known each other (but not really) since they were 12 would end up 3 states away from home and falling in love?
not us, but we're glad it happened!

our first date and first pic together. look at how young we look! i love this photo, still my fav!

sometime sophomore year.
junior year at the AOII halloween date party.
senior year formal.

one of many disney trips.

trip to austin 2010.
six years and still going strong!
trav, i love you more today than i ever thought possible. you're my very best friend and the love of my life. i can't imagine it without you.
i love you hunky monkey!
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