when i got home, it was like this out...
so i changed clothes and leashed up the booger.
(yes today he's a shit head because he got in the HUGE bag of trash i forgot to take out this morning and it was everywhere. wish i had a pic of that!)

hello shorts! yep i braved the wind and put on the nikes. oh how i've missed you dear shorts. side note: these shorts were tight when i bought them last september. now they're a little loose! i love ww :)

no jacket for dalpal!
we headed out for our two miles and finished with a nice fast paced jog for the last 1/8 of a mile.
confession #1:
yes, we started doing this because i hate running and wasn't even sure if dallas could run along on the leash. well he can. and i can actually run that long. don't laugh, i was seriously questioning my abilities.
confession #2:
boo, this is my least fav part of, well, life.
it's not that i don't want to be active. i totally do.
i love swimming and biking and walking and shopping (come on, it's totally a legit form of exercise. right mom?) and playing with my dog and the girls.
i find myself wanting to be outside more and more. craving the sun and warmer temps just so i can walk more and possibly go hiking, biking and swimming. (oh my!)
BUT, i hate the gym. let me say this again, I HATE THE GYM,
the only thing i've ever liked at the gym was spinning class. because the music is loud and i like biking (hello? have i said that yet?) and my hunky was usually with me. fun times.
but, the gym love stops there. i hate waiting in line for machines. running on the treadmill is boring and once, when we had a personal trainer (long story), i hated him. no seriously, i did.
i'm trying. i really am. and once i lose enough to feel comfortable i totally intend on joining a gym again and really doing that physical fitness stuff. seriously.
but until then, walking dallas will have to suffice. and i do really LOVE this!
confession #3:
i have come to the conclusion that i am addicted to sugar. i love desserts of all kinds and would totally take a chocolate bar over any veggie any day. (duh.)
and since i've known this for awhile now but never said it out loud, i've been subbing splenda for sugar in anything i can. now before you lecture me about that, don't. thanks!
i've also been making sugar free cakes and brownies which helps with the sugar intake and the points are a lot lower.
but what's a girl to do?
i'm going to have to think of more recipes and start reading more healthy eating blogs.
i've also heard that cutting out sugar for three weeks will help you crave it less and you'll eventually have a pattern of not eating it.
that sounds awful. just saying :)
confession #4:
i want to run a 5k with my dog.
more on that one later.
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