this past weekend dallas and i (but i mean really just me) made some homemade doggy treats!
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup milk
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 t. aluminum free baking powder
(the original recipe i found called for skim milk and natural pb, so there's no perservatives but dallas eats peter pan pb with no problems and we don't buy skim milk so i wasn't going to go buy some. but the aluminum free baking powder is very important! i looked it up. and i wanted to get whole wheat flour for us humans anyway. but i think you could use white flour and be ok.
mix your dry ingredients and set aside. mix your wet ingredients until fully blended with a spoon.

slowly add in the flour mixture.

roll out dough on wax paper.

use a cookie cutter to cut out your treats. you can use any shape. i got a dog bone cutter from hobby lobby for 50 cents! or if you want to skip the rolling and cutting you could just form into normal cookie shape. they don't care what they look like, right?!
bake in 350 degree oven for 10 to 15 minutes. some of mine were thinner than others and so they cooked up around 8 minutes or so. i def kept an eye on these while they were baking.

dallas oh so patiently waiting for the cooling process to finish.

teasing him.

blurry pic of dog = crazy excitement about his treat

use the treats within a week or freeze for use up to a month. added bonus: dallas loves them straight from the freezer and for some reason it takes him a little bit longer (like .01 seconds) to get it down.
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