Friday, December 23, 2011

friday's fabulousness

welcome to the friday's fab: christmas edition! here's what i'm looking forward to this weekend...

1. time off. it's a short little christmas vacay but it's much needed and i'll take it and make the most of it. we'll be in louisville by the time you read this little post!

2. fam time! so many people to see and places to be. i can't wait to visit, get my hands on some babies and eat all the wonderful food my fam cooks up!

3. wedding dress shopping! yes, it's the first trip to look at dresses. so glad my mom is in town and that my step-mom and bestie are coming along!

4. waking up christmas morning with mom and josh and T. and at my grandparents. oh, and this has never happened before. in fact, now that i think about it, T and i have never been together on christmas day. we've always done it before or after. but this will be our first christmas waking up together and spending all day celebrating! too bad dal will be at the kennel but i'm still going to say best. christmas. ever.

5. and i'd be kidding myself if i said i'm not looking forward to ripping into some of these...

i hope you have a fabulous christmas weekend. take time to love those around you and be thankful that a child was born unto us this day many years ago so that we may have hope and eternal life. it's so easy to get caught up in all the hoopla of the holidays, i'm so bad about it but as long as you remember that, the santas and reindeer and mistletoe are a-ok! i'll pop back in sunday for a tiny post but see you again tuesday for a weekend recap!

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