Wednesday, December 7, 2011

T's birthday

pics from T's birthday: better late than never right?

 lots of presents for the birthday boy!

loved his card that dallas picked out and signed himself ;)

couldn't believe dallas got him almonds and venom (an energy drink). dogs know best the way to a man's heart is food and tons of caffeine.  

i know it's fuzzy but i love the thrill in his face. not staged at all! ha.

new shirt. plaid of course. probably making an appearance in our engagement photos soon.

loved it so much he changed in to it before dinner.

cheesecake birthday cake.

it was a great day for a 26th birthday with my fav guy. we celebrated with a nice dinner out with the terry's and then came home early for cheesecake and bed. lame. we're old and it was a monday night. we did however have a glass of wine, watch out!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to your man!! :] What a fun day! And I'm hungry for cheesecake now! Haha.


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