Friday, February 24, 2012

friday's fabulousness

well another work week has come and gone. i feel like all i do is live for the weekends. i think it's the weather. i just want to be outside. and let's be honest. so do the girls. and cooped up girls make for a rough week!

on to the fab.

1. when T and i finally move into a house (hopefully at the end of april!!!) i will be making this...

but of course it will not be red. 

2. is this not the cutest wedding picture ever?

i've already sent it to our photographer so it can be on our "must have" list! 

3. i can't stop looking at this picture.

love my boys! 

4. one thing i'm dying to do this weekend?

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

print this out and put it in a frame. perfect art for our house! 

5. made this soup last night for josh and T...

it was delish and not too bad for you once i worked my weight watcher magic on it! 

 how was your week? itching for spring yet? 

i hope you have a wonderful weekend. i'll be busy, busy but it's better than the alternative!


  1. What's wrong with red? I'm all about colored furniture. Have a good weekend sisterly!

  2. Nothing wrong with red, it's just not my color. I'd love to do Kelly green or yellow. If I was feeling really brave I'd do orange!


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