Tuesday, February 28, 2012

you can do it!

lately i've been thinking about career possibilities.

as in, if i could have any job in the world, and sitting at home crafting all day is out of the question and martha just doesn't need another assistant, i think i'd be a life coach.

you see, i'm really good at pepping people up. getting them all giddy inside. and making them think they can tackle the world.

in the last month that T has been out of work, i've given more pep talks than john calipari. i've said things like, "your awesome", "you're the fing sh*t", "chin up 'ol chap" and the likes. and it's working! things are going so well for him now.

and there's nothing better than seeing someone you love feel good about themselves. confident people are the most attractive people in my eyes.

but what do you do when someone try to do it all and you know they just can't?

i find that in my life there are two groups this quote defines. my sorority girls and myself.

it's funny when you're in college, and you make a D on a paper or your "best" friend flirts with the guy you like, or you don't get the internship that you wanted, all the bad things that happen are so terribly awful, you feel like life can't get any worse. it's as if all your hopes and dreams have crashed and burned and you're left trying to pick up the pieces alone. the fact is, you're not alone and there are so many options in college.

don't like your major? change it. don't like your friends? get new ones. there's only 20,000 people on campus. don't like your extracurriculars? join a new club. don't like your schedule? change classes.

 see i could totally be a life coach.

 now i'll move on to being my own life coach.

i'm really great at telling other people how they should live their life. but am i completely honest with myself? do i push myself to the limit everyday? do i set goals and work towards them? do i want something but am too afraid to go after it?


but i'm also a realist. and sometimes you just literally can't have it all. you might not be able to get married, go back to school, find a new job, move to a different city, buy a house, volunteer and lose forty more pounds all at once. in fact, i know it's impossible. yet, i strive to make it all happen. why can't i be my own damn life coach?

 my new life motto?

Source: etsy.com via Ashley on Pinterest

and i think it suits me just fine. because really, aren't we all awesome. at something, in some way, we all are. and being awesome one day at a time is way easier. so today i'm going to be awesome. awesome at my job, taking care of myself, my fiance, my dog, my advisor responsibilities and awesome at telling everyone else that they're awesome. you can do it, people!

so who needs a life coach? ash is starting a new business and i'll gladly be yours. and i'll give you a discount for being my first client!

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