Thursday, January 5, 2012

a post about whining?

i'm really trying very hard this year to do less whining. the thing is, it's in my nature. doesn't that sound awesome?

"hi, i'm ashley. nice to meet you. oh, and by the way i'm a whiner so get yourself prepared". 

seriously, sometimes i even wear myself out whining. but there's always one person who listens and never says "shut the hell up!" "stop". just yesterday (on our 20th call of the day. no, really.) i was going on and on about how frustrated i am with jobs and the nursing home board and car problems and our house and blah, blah, blah. 

side note: i'm starting to think whining is contagious and i'm getting it from the 4 year old i spend 10 hours a day with. at least i feel a little bit better now.

anyway, it seems you can start to feel very overwhelmed with your life and everything in it when you complain about it all. but that's why bestie is the best. because she doesn't care how much i complain and whine as long as i'm doing it with her. or she's doing it with me because the fact is say she has plenty to whine about since she's the one 5 months pregnant and all. if i were any form of pregnant it'd be all i'd complain about. (good luck, one day, T!). but no. even when we had this conversation...

  • ME: Are you sure you want to have a baby. I mean, they're a lot to handle. Not to mention that whole giving birth thing.
  • BFF: Yes, I'm fairly sure.
  • ME: Ok, I wasn't going to tell you this but I'm 90% sure that once you give birth your vagina will be 5 feet long and you'll have to roll it up just to put your pants on. What do you think about that?
  • BFF: I think you're ridiculous.
  • ME: Well that's a given.

no complaints whatsoever. not even about her crazy best friend that is absolutely off her rocker because of all the complaining she does. 

wow, i don't even know where this is going any more. whining to 5 foot vaginas? i can only blame it on my lack of brain power or tact?

1 comment:

  1. I love that pic you got off pintrest! I feel that whining is contagious! I get mine from hangig out with my 3 year daughter .. lol!


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