Friday, July 22, 2011

friday's fabulousness

because of my surprise day off, today's fab is coming to you a little differently.

i'm going to give you a my fab list of things that MUST get done today!

1. i am going to spin class at 9:15 am instead of 5:30 am simply because i can (infact, i'm probably there while you're reading this. that's weird. don't think about my exercising right now, as it's not my most glam part of the day!). it's awesome to sleep in when you should be at work, isn't it!

2. this is where i'll be most of the day, as i have tons of projects to do (which i'll let you in on soon!). but at least my sewing area is cuter and my itunes will play all day while the dog naps on my feet under the desk! and you can bet i'll be consuming a lot of black cherry koolaid (made with splenda=0 ww points!). and maybe some chocolate. maybe.

3. the house must get cleaned today. having this day off allows me to actually enjoy my entire weekend without any chores!

4. i'm going to cook an elaborate dinner. seriously. i'm talking three or more courses here (ok, that might be a lie!).

maybe we'll start with this...

and for the middle...

and we'll end it with this...

and then i'll have to do number one all over again.

5. this involves a lot of things. first...

and alot of them. grocery, hair appointment, oldnavy, target, post office, dmv, bank, dog barkery, wedding gift shopping, birthday gift shopping, thrifting etc.

and i hope to be looking like this while doing it all

a girl can dream, right?!

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