i haven't updated y'all on the ww front in a while. not because i jumped ship or because i've fallen down and can't get back up. actually it's just the opposite. i'm doing well. still going slow and steady wins the race path! doing things healthy and smart. changing for life, and that's the way i want this weight loss thing to happen for me.
but i've come to the realization that i'm just LARGE.
yes, i just admitted that i'm a large person.
let me explain so you don't try to form an intervention to help me with my low self esteem.
i've come up with a mental list (which i'll now but down on digital paper for the world to see) of what makes me a large person.
1. there's the obvious factor that i'm carrying a few extra pounds. and while i've lost a total of 32 (!) of those extra lbs. i still have quite a few to lose.
2. i have a very large voice. i'm talking about volume in the sense of audio and amount of usage. i talk a lot and i love to be loud. i can't help it. i blame it on growing up with too many siblings and having to yell to be heard. and i could literally talk your head off if you let me. about anything. i'm the person you don't really want to sit next to on an airplane (but only if i'm by myself). i must get that from my fatherly, kevin!
3. i have very large cheeks. no matter how much weight i lose in my face, i just can't get rid of them. at least my kiddos will be cute with those pinchable cheekers, right?

4. i think i have large teeth. i'm probably the only person that thinks this, in fact travis is in love with my teeth. being an orthodontists son, it's one of the first things he notices at when he meets someone.

5. i have a very large...chest. good thing there's no pic for this one. no one wants to see that. well, i know someone but this is a family blog!
6. my personality is pretty large and you probably love me or hate me. i'm ok with that. as i've gotten older it doesn't bother me but as a teen i always needed people to like me but i've since decided it's quality over quantity!
7. my hair is large. this pic doesn't even do it justice. i should show you right after i blow it dry and haven't brushed through but this natural look will have to do for now!

8. i like BIG stuff. ie. my 80 lb dog, my 6'4" bf, large jewelry, large purses, the big suv i drive, etc. i mean, come on, i'm a texas gal and everything is bigger (and better) in texas. right?
about the only non-large thing about me is my height. seriously i wish i had about 4 more inches.
i'm in no way getting down on myself. i love who i am and who i'm becoming each day. it's nice to sit down and take an honest look at yourself and decide what it is that you don't like and change it and what you do like and embrace it!
*please don't judge my low quality mac photo booth pics. or my dirty hair and freshly washed, ie. super shiny face! thanks.
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