Tuesday, July 26, 2011

to do: cooking

here's my to do list when it comes to getting in the kitchen!

my top ten to do's...

1. parm knot rolls.

2. lemon loaf.

3. something, anything in a mason jar! corn bread and chili.

4. parm tomatoes.

5. a complete breakfast in muffin form? yes, please.

6. pumpkin spice doughnut holes. perfect for fall. or anytime really, who doesn't love doughnut holes?!

7. pineapple chicken salad pitas

8. beef empanadas

9. pizza

10. engagement chicken...yes please! just kidding travis :) but serioulsy i want to make this because i've never mad a whole chicken before.

feel free to check out some other recipes i can't wait to try out here.

let's get cooking!

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