Wednesday, August 31, 2011

make lemonade?

when life hands you lemons...

like when stuff at home gets rough, or work is getting under your skin, you just don't have time to do anything, no time to think, you need this and you need that, you want this and you want that, everyone else is prettier, skinnier, smarter, cooler, richer, funnier, just more awesomer than you.

don't make lemonade...

because not only will it taste better but you'll really start to feel better!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

living room help

ok, i need your help!

i'm redoing some of the decor in the living room. don't worry, i'm not buying all new stuff (well, we are getting new lamps. but that's it.). i am however making new pillows for the couch.

here's the fabric i'm using...

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

i love the bright colors and they really blend well together. fyi, i could use that yellow woodgrain fabric in every room of my house. seriously, it's awesome. too bad i wanted 20 yards at $10.50...just couldn't do it. so i went with 2 yards instead!

so along with the new pillows, i need to redo above the couch.

while i like the look of this, it's too dark for the new color scheme i'm going for. my plan is to spray paint the home sign, the white frames, the letters and possibly the stars. what colors should i go with? any suggestions that fit with my new fabrics? it doesn't have to be all matchy-matchy but i def want it to flow well.

i'd also love to do something like this...

but i'd like to use white frames.

the only thing i want to keep are the dark wood shelves (those are from pottery barn and a gift from my momma, ain't no way i'd ever paint anything from pb!) but, i'm open to changing anything else so bring on the suggestions!

thanks friends!

Monday, August 29, 2011

looking forward...

i started looking at my calendar for this fall and got a little fuzzy feeling. seriously, my stomach got all warm and tingly. (no i'm not ill. just excited!)

so here's what's coming up in the next couple weeks...

weekend recap

awesome bf news. pre date night nap with the pup. yummo mexican food. movie. snuggles. cancelled sewing class (sad). sleeping past 7 am (awesome). lunch with t (he had to work all weekend). errand running. new martha stewart paint/accessories ( picked fabric for new couch pillows. baking run through for labor day desserts. babysitting during the cf fundraiser. powwow on the floor with my girls. scooby doo watching. sunday funday. trip to cincy. reds game. fun times with bro and his roommate. bitchy lady at the game. ruined mood. helmet full of chocolate ice cream. awesome mood restored. grocery. dinner. down time. friday night lights. bed. sweet dreams of a wonderful weekend.

Friday, August 26, 2011

friday's fabulousness

1. missoni for target is coming september 13th. i. can't. even. wait.

here's some of the awesomeness...

and what i'll for sure be buying...

and these. and yes, they're for little girls. and yes, my foot fits in a 4 or 5 in the little girls section. and yes, i'll continue to buy cute little girls shoes that are much cheaper than the women's. thanks for asking.

2. i'll be going back to sewing class tomorrow and i couldn't be more thrilled because i have ALOT to do. i'm talking pillows for the couch, a duvet cover for the bed, pillows for the bed, curtains for the bedroom, lots of birthday gifts and many other odds and ends and special projects i want to accomplish. for some reason i'm only motivated to sew when i go to my lessons...coincidence? i think not.

3. i always get sucked into cheesy ABCFamily shows, i.e. Greek, Secret Life, etc. so, here we go again...

i really do enjoy the show, it's so sad.

4. tonight is date night! trav and i will be going to a fairly new restaurant in town called The Cellar. i've heard such great stuff about it and it was a featured groupon this week so i bought it up and now we're headed out on the town! this is exciting because lately we've been old farts.

5. and finally, this weekend is the seafood splash and spirit bash. a fundraiser for the kentucky chapter of the cystic fibrosis foundation. all the money they raise goes straight to research so we can find a cure for this awful disease. i'll be watching the girls saturday night while it's going on but i know it'll be a fun event and i pray that it's a huge success!

this is lilly in her chest percussion vest. it's part of her twice a day routine to help break up the mucus in her lungs. all cf patients have to do this. but hopefully not forever! it's fundraisers like these that give hope to kids just like miss lilly that one day there will be a cure!

what will you be doing this weekend? any fabulous plans?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

wishes: colored jeans

i can't even believe i'm saying this buuuuuut, i'm totally in love with colored jeans.

yes, seriously.

colored jeans

aren't they delish?

reminds me of rainbow sorbet. yum, i love that stuff.

if i could have my way, this would be the first outfit i wear featuring colored jeans...

My fav fall look

photo shoot

with olivia in school monday through thursday from 7:50 to 10:50, lilly and i have gotten a little creative with our time together!

we used my mac to do a little photo shoot with photo booth.

she thought it was so great that she could see herself on the computer screen...hilarious!


love this girl.


hello lilly.

wonder how long this can keep us occupied. it's a little boring without liv here but somehow i think we'll manage ;)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

back to school

in honor of UK going back to school today, i've decided to do a post all about my fav back to school projects, supplies, activities and general love of all things education!

yay, right?

while i hated going back to school while i was younger, i now think my fall isn't complete without going back to school!

and i've got extra school on the brain because liv just started pre-k on monday (crazy.).

this is totally what i'd wear on the first day (well, as long as it wasn't 100 degrees out!)...

Source: via Jan on Pinterest

back to school treats...

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

back to school projects...

Source: None via Ashley on Pinterest

back to school party...

and we all know starting preschool or middle school or college is very different. so, since i'm an expert (duh!) on all things preschool and college, here's my list of back to school must haves...


a super cute backpack with your name on it...

Source: via Kristin on Pinterest

new hair bows for girls or a little bow tie for the fellas...

and we def couldn't start school without going to the bookstore and picking out a new book...

too bad my books at home don't look like this!

for college students i would suggest...

a macbook. duh...

Source: via Olivia on Pinterest

comfy shoes to walk all over campus in...

couldn't help but put in something for my sisters...

don't forget to show your school pride you'll for sure need a reusable cup for water and i highly recommend this one. i use it everyday!

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

going back to school is fun and if i could i would stay in school forever.

although, i'm not a huge fan of homework, so that might be an issue.

happy back to school! just think, fall is that much closer!!!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

blogs, bad dreams and baseball bats

so i read a lot of blogs. like maybe 50 different blogs daily.

that's a lot. and i really don't even have time to read them all. i mostly scan them.

i can read pretty fast (thanks college) and some i just skip over completely if i'm not sucked in after the first sentence.

but i do have roughly 10 to 15 that i read everyday and never miss a post. seriously, it's out. of. control.

isn't is sad when you start having dreams about the blogs you're reading?

for example, a blogger i follow lost her dog about 2 months ago and they still haven't found him after months of searching, calling shelters and passing out fliers. so for the past two nights i've been having dreams about this dog and looking for him and actually finding him. it's weird. i mean, we've never even met in "real" life and i don't live in atlanta. so the probability of me finding the dog is pretty slim, i'd say.

speaking of dreams, i've been having some bad ones of late as well.

do you ever think to yourself, "man, i've got this life thing figured out. things are great and i couldn't be happier. i mean, job is awesome. dog is awesome. bf is awesome. fam is awesome. life is awesome. i'm awesome." then you wake up one morning and it's as if someone comes up to you and beats the crap out of you with a baseball bat.

seriously, that happened to me on saturday. i found out a girl i used to work with lost her boyfriend over the weekend. i am so sad for her and couldn't stop myself from crying (for about an hour) and last night i had a horrible nightmare about losing trav.

i know you could lose anyone at any moment. that's how life is. and i truly believe that God has a purpose for everything He does. we can't even begin to understand the plans He makes for our lives and the lives of those around us, but it doesn't make it any easier to lose someone. i'm so sad for my friend. i can't even imagine what she's going through and to be honest i don't want to imagine. i don't even want to think about it because if i do i get that baseball bat to the face feeling.

to be honest, i'd rather be beat with a baseball bat than lose anyone i love.

gangsta dal

it's gotten so bad, we're a little afraid of our own dog!

Monday, August 22, 2011

weekend recap

relaxing weekend. just t time. movies. mad men. furniture rearranging. late dinner date. yummo vino. louisville. family. late birthday celebration. shopping. cleaning. taking it easy.

Friday, August 19, 2011

friday's fabulousness

1. going to louisville tomorrow to visit dad's fam. i haven't seen some of them in a while so it'll be nice to catch up!

2. i'm officially becoming an AOII advisor! i've been helping a little with recruitment this year and couldn't be more proud of my chapter. i can't wait to get in there and help wherever i'm needed.

3. found the most perfect lamps...

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

what do you think? i think i'll go get them tonight!

4. the top ten most fashionable cities came out. i'll be planning vacations to each one. you know, because i have the time and money to do that. duh!

5. this weekend if i only get one thing done, it better be this...

ok, so i'm not going to get the actual quilt done but i am going to pick out my fabric and cut it all so i'm ready to go later this week!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

celeb crush: ryan reynolds

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

i love him. seriously, he's a great actor and even better to look at (sorry t). he's for sure on my "list". you know the one!

have you seen his new movie? hilarious. raunchy but hilarious!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

life slogans

while perusing pinterest for the last 6 months or so, i've been finding plenty of word art (is that what it's called?) and there are a couple that speak directly to me.

so without further ado here are a few of my life slogans...

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

and my personal fav (because it's exactly my life right now!)...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

wishes: ikat

i'm obsessed with all things ikat. i'm looking for fabric to buy right now and will make some pillows for our living room. i've got this itch to redo every room in our house. seriously? i don't even have the time or the money for that! but i figured adding some pillows would help alleviate that feeling. and maybe rearranging some furniture if the boss will ever let me!!!

here are some i found on pinterest. i'm also searching my local fabric shops as well as etsy.

what do you think? do you love ikat? my couch is a sage green color and huge. i'm thinking of doing a mixture of colors so that our whole house isn't green, navy and beige.
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