ok, i need your help!
i'm redoing some of the decor in the living room. don't worry, i'm not buying all new stuff (well, we are getting new lamps. but that's it.). i am however making new pillows for the couch.
here's the fabric i'm using...
Source: fabric.com via Ashley on Pinterest
Source: fabric.com via Ashley on Pinterest
i love the bright colors and they really blend well together. fyi, i could use that yellow woodgrain fabric in every room of my house. seriously, it's awesome. too bad i wanted 20 yards at $10.50...just couldn't do it. so i went with 2 yards instead!
so along with the new pillows, i need to redo above the couch.

while i like the look of this, it's too dark for the new color scheme i'm going for. my plan is to spray paint the home sign, the white frames, the letters and possibly the stars. what colors should i go with? any suggestions that fit with my new fabrics? it doesn't have to be all matchy-matchy but i def want it to flow well.
i'd also love to do something like this...
Source: caitlinwilsondesign.blogspot.com via Ashley on Pinterest
but i'd like to use white frames.
the only thing i want to keep are the dark wood shelves (those are from pottery barn and a gift from my momma, ain't no way i'd ever paint anything from pb!) but, i'm open to changing anything else so bring on the suggestions!
thanks friends!
Ashley, I love the fabric you are using for pillows! They are so bright and happy! You asked for suggestions, so here is mine. I love the white picture frame idea, and for the matting I would find scrapbook paper or fabric in coordinating patterns and colors and cover the mat in that. It's a little more involved than spray painting, but it could be cute! I'm sure anything you end up doing will look awesome! I can't wait to see the finished product!