Monday, August 15, 2011

Reboot: Ending Thoughts

Now that it's over and I've eaten a decent eh, terrible for you, but oh so delish, meal here are my thoughts on the week of Body Reboot...

1. Food is overrated. Don't eat too much. Don't eat too little. Don't live to eat, eat to live.
2. On that note, I realized that I just love food. It's not about eating as much as I can but it's the social aspect; going to dinner with friends, chatting over drinks, going to a cookout, making a wonderful meal for your family, etc. I love the texture of (most) food. I really like to enjoy my meals and the flavor of each ingredient.
3. Our society has a severe disadvantage when trying or wanting to eat healthy. Healthier food is much more expensive. We spent over $200 on fruits and veggies for this week. Our normal grocery bill averages about $80 a week. No wonder we have an obesity problem in this country.
4. Juicing veggies is disgusting.
5. Juicing period requires a lot of work.
6. Juicing can be extremely messy.
7. You really have to have a good attitude to do this. If you let negativity take over you will be miserable. And therefore you'll make those around you miserable. Just ask Travis!
8. It's nice to slow down when I get home from work and not go right into "What's for dinner? Let's get it done with." mode.
9. I do like vegetables, just not juiced.
10. Condiments are awesome.
11. You will poop a lot if you do this. TMI?
12. Don't just eat fruit. You won't get all the health benefits. And you'll starve. I learned this early on in the week and just had to suck down those veggies in juice form.

Travis and I did a fairly good job at this. If I ever do it again (and that's a big if!) I think I'd just do the juice. I relied way too much on eating fruit whenever I wanted and would get full and not take in as many veggies as I needed to. I will admit that Travis did a much better job and therefore saw more results (and more side effects) than I did. With that being said though, here are our results...

T total weight loss: 14 lbs.
A total weight loss: 8 lbs.

Travis said he felt a difference in his overall mood. He saw improvements with his skin and bruises from work cleared up much quicker.

I saw a vast improvement with my arthritis in my ankles and overall my joints just felt better. I also say a difference in my skin. I broke out less this week and the red undertones in my skin were not as prevalent.

Some of the downsides were the irritability, headaches (early on in the week) and some digestive issues once we started eating normal foods again. I was a raging witch for the first three days of the week and we both just felt like lying in bed all day. But the movie was right, day four completely turned everything around.

We both decided that if we ever do it again, it won't be for a whole week. While we saw some results and ended up feeling much better, the irritability and digestive complications (TMI again?) weren't worth it. I think 3 days at most but I do think that juicing will become a part of our daily lives. I really did enjoy some of the juices we made and it's a great way to get the awesome nutrients from fruits and veggies that I wouldn't be able to get otherwise.

I would encourage others to do this but only if they know exactly what they're getting in to. You have to be committed and dedicated. It was really satisfying knowing that I could do it and lasted the whole week.


  1. Thanks for posting your journey. I have enjoyed following you. I've considered doing something like this but, my husband is not as willing as yours and I know I'll need a teammate! LOL!

  2. Diana, thanks so much for reading! Glad to have you hear. It was a very hard week but worth it. It would most def help to have a teammate but I bet you could do it on your own too!


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