Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reboot: Day 5

It get a little bit easier each day.

Before bed last night we juiced a whole bunch of stuff. I actually liked the fruit concoction. Strawberry, kiwi, orange, pear and spinach. I had to add water because the strawberries turn into a syrup once they're juiced. I drank it this morning for breakfast and for dinner.

Lunch was a fruit salad with spinach also. I actually like the combo of spinach with fruit much more than I thought I would. I'd like to make a strawberry chicken salad with spinach as the base when we get done with this.

Two days left and thank goodness. I'm tired of eating the same old thing. I want a real meal. I feel good but I miss cooking and sitting down to a nice meal and taking my time. I'm so hungry all the time now that I drink it down so quickly.

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