sorry i don't have a lot of new pics of the girls. i've been so bad about taking pics lately...but i did want to jot down some convos i've been having with liv. she's so funny and doesn't even try to be. a girl after my own heart! we can just be funny together. in fact i'm going to print this quote out and frame it for part of her christmas present this year! ha :) just kidding holly!

here's liv's look at me face!
Source: via Ashley on Pinterest
a couple months ago we were talking about her fish and his super cool fish tank. she told me that he has a mermaid in there to keep him company. i said, "is it a mermaid or a merman?". she looked at me absolutely serious as can be and said, "achely, of course it's a girl merMAID. it cannot be a merman because they sleep together and boys don't sleep together. only boys and girls and girls and girls sleep together." of course i agreed with the four year old but in my mind i was thinking "oh, the things you'll learn one day!".
yesterday we had this conversation...
liv is yawning.
i ask, "are you tired liv?"
"yes i really am." she says
i say, "did you not get enough sleep last night?"
"no i slept fine. i'm just tired."
"why is that, buddy?"
"well, i work too hard. i need a vacation."
i said, "a vacation? i was under the impression that you're always on vacation. when did you get a job?"
"achely, i work hard everyday."
"oh", i say, "i thought that was playing. my fault for assuming."
"it's ok." she says, "i just need a break from life."
seriously, where does she come up with this stuff? super funny kiddo i watch! and of course i love it and egg her on.
in other liv/lilly news, we've been busy playing. it's so hot out that we don't do much outside. we try to walk every morning before it gets too bad. liv always wants to go in the wagon so i end up pulling about 70 pounds a mile or so and sweat my tush off. then when we get back home she tells me i stink. at least she's honest, right?
i can't leave you without talking about the destructor...aka, lilly.
yes her nickname is the destructor because she loves to destroy anything. baby dolls, coloring projects, books, building blocks, small chinese towns like godzilla. she's all over the place. the other day i caught her hoarding all the dog toys in one of the dog crates eating her snack and drinking her juice. jake (the dog) tried to get said toys and she refused him. meanie.
she's also very much into saying "no". all the time, that kid.

this was lilly's first time wearing her hair up. i could die just looking at those pigtails! too cute.
today we were at dance class and i told her it was time to go. she said no, of course. when i went to pick her up she started running from me screaming, no, no, no, no. as if i were a stranger trying to kid nap her. touche, lilly, touche. no one wants to be labeled as a baby snatcher. so the only obvious thing to do was let her continue to climb all over the gym equipment until she was ready to leave. clearly.
and when i went to wake her from her nap today she did it again. i walk in the door very slowly to see if she's up yet. she took one look at me and said, "NO.". i feel your pain every morning when the alarm goes off and trav jumps to his feet and says, "good morning. gym time baby!". um, "NO." but alas, we must all get up, so just like travis scoops me up like a baby and gets me all ready for the gym, i too scooped her up and got her ready for our afternoon play time.
the life of a nanny.
i love it!
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