Wednesday, August 24, 2011

back to school

in honor of UK going back to school today, i've decided to do a post all about my fav back to school projects, supplies, activities and general love of all things education!

yay, right?

while i hated going back to school while i was younger, i now think my fall isn't complete without going back to school!

and i've got extra school on the brain because liv just started pre-k on monday (crazy.).

this is totally what i'd wear on the first day (well, as long as it wasn't 100 degrees out!)...

Source: via Jan on Pinterest

back to school treats...

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

back to school projects...

Source: None via Ashley on Pinterest

back to school party...

and we all know starting preschool or middle school or college is very different. so, since i'm an expert (duh!) on all things preschool and college, here's my list of back to school must haves...


a super cute backpack with your name on it...

Source: via Kristin on Pinterest

new hair bows for girls or a little bow tie for the fellas...

and we def couldn't start school without going to the bookstore and picking out a new book...

too bad my books at home don't look like this!

for college students i would suggest...

a macbook. duh...

Source: via Olivia on Pinterest

comfy shoes to walk all over campus in...

couldn't help but put in something for my sisters...

don't forget to show your school pride you'll for sure need a reusable cup for water and i highly recommend this one. i use it everyday!

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest

going back to school is fun and if i could i would stay in school forever.

although, i'm not a huge fan of homework, so that might be an issue.

happy back to school! just think, fall is that much closer!!!!!


  1. Love this post! The layout of your blog is great too!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog Alycia! I love your blog as well and just became a follower. You have an adorable fam and I love your pearl necklace craft...I'm going to have to get on that this weekend!


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